Home / News / UAE / The UAE condemns the Taliban’s decision to ban university education for women and girls throughout Afghanistan

The UAE condemns the Taliban’s decision to ban university education for women and girls throughout Afghanistan

New York on Decembr22

Her Excellency Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for Political Affairs and Permanent Representative of the country to the United Nations, affirmed the UAE’s strong condemnation of the recent Taliban decision to ban university education for women and girls throughout Afghanistan, which is the latest example of the restrictions imposed since August 2021, in order to deprive Afghan women and girls from public life.

The resolution threatens the efforts of the international community to engage with the Taliban in the interests of the Afghan people.

The UAE stresses that the decision, and the previous ban on secondary education for girls, constitutes a violation of basic human rights and contradicts the teachings of the Islamic religion, and therefore it must be retracted immediately.

The country affirmed its firm commitment to support the sovereignty, stability, security and prosperity of Afghanistan, in cooperation with regional and international partners.

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