Home / News / UAE / “Emirates Fatwa” calls on those who pay zakat al-Fitr to expedite delivery, and urges those who fast to double their worship during the last ten days

“Emirates Fatwa” calls on those who pay zakat al-Fitr to expedite delivery, and urges those who fast to double their worship during the last ten days

Abu Dhabi, April 11: The Emirates Council for Legal Fatwa called on those who wish to pay zakat al-Fitr through charitable associations and institutions to expedite the delivery of zakat to them, so that the associations can deliver it to the deserving before the day of Eid.

The council said that one of the purposes of Islamic law in paying zakat al-Fitr is to enrich the poor from asking on the day of Eid. Therefore: The Council considers expediting the delivery of zakat al-fitr to charitable associations to prevent the accumulation of zakat al-fitr with them, and to deliver it to those who are entitled to it in a timely manner.
With regard to the provisions of Zakat al-Fitr: The council stated that Zakat al-Fitr is obligatory for Muslims, young and old, male and female, and that it is obligatory for those who are obliged to spend it on behalf of himself, his wife, children and dependents, and the amount of Zakat al-Fitr is “2.5” two and a half kilos of rice for each A person, and it is permissible to take it out in kind of rice or in cash, and its value in cash for the Hijri year 1444 AH: “twenty-five” dirhams for one person.
The Emirates Council for Sharia Fatwa called on all benefactors to be keen: to ensure that zakat al-fitr and other zakat and alms funds are delivered to those who deserve it among the poor and needy, either directly or by deputizing for that.
He urged all fasting people to seize the opportunity of the last ten days of Ramadan to double the worship by preserving night prayers, praying tahajjud, increasing the remembrance of God Almighty, and reading the Qur’an. As it is hoped that in these days the Night of Decree, which God Almighty has made, will be better than a thousand months. The Prophet used to strive in these ten days as he did not strive in others. A request for Laylat al-Qadr and its reward, and it came on the authority of Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, that he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to wake his family in the last ten days of Ramadan.

The Council warned that achieving a balance between worship during these ten days and serving the country and society by doing professional work as required is also a worship by which we draw closer to God Almighty during these ten days if the intentions are good.
And the Emirates Council for Legal Fatwa recommended to increase in the last ten days of Ramadan with the supplication that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, taught to Mrs. Aisha, may God be pleased with her, when she asked the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and she said: O Prophet of God, do you see if I agree with the Night of Decree, what do I say? He said: “You say: O God, You are pardoning and love to pardon, so forgive me.” Noting that supplication for the soul, the homeland, and the rulers of affairs in these virtuous days: is a right that should not be absent from us.

The Council prayed to God Almighty in these blessed days: to preserve our state and our wise leadership, to perpetuate the blessing of security and prosperity throughout our blessed state, and to spread goodness and prosperity in Muslim countries and the world as a whole, for He is All-Hearing and Responsive.

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