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The UAE and Egypt top the list of favorite destinations for Chinese tourists this summer

Abu Dhabi

With the onset of the summer holidays, airports and train stations in China are crowded with travelers as they prepare to go to various tourist destinations.

According to data from travel agency Ctrip, there was a six-fold increase in demand for international airline tickets year-on-year during the first five days of the summer travel season.

The Chinese People’s Daily said that the data of the “VFS Global” agency for visa services indicated a strong increase in the demand by Chinese tourists for tourist visas since last March..and by May, the number of applications for foreign visas in China reached 40% of the level in 2019, explaining that “VFS Global” expects that the demand for travel will continue to rise this year, and that the annual travel peak will soon enter.

VFS Global has expressed optimism about the 2023 tourism season, expecting it to continue throughout the year.

She added that the students’ summer holidays had brought forward the peak demand for visas to May, believing that this peak would continue for four consecutive months.

In terms of foreign destinations for Chinese tourists, the United Arab Emirates and the Arab Republic of Egypt stand out as two favorite destinations in the Chinese outbound tourism market this year.

In this regard, Chimayi, General Manager of the Europe, Africa and Middle East Department at Chun Qiu Tourism Company, said that the tours organized by the company to the UAE and Egypt since the launch of the first tourist delegation in February exceeded expectations.

Chimai explained this by the ease of obtaining a tourist visa, in addition to restoring a large part of the direct flights, and the prices ranged between 10,000 and 20,000 yuan.

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