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Fishing on the “high seas”… Enhancing economic diversification

Ras Al Khaimah

Citizen fishermen and fishermen called for the approval of fishing on the “high seas”, the development and regulation of legal legislation in this field, the establishment of various rules, services and infrastructure, and the creation of appropriate conditions for the success and promotion of this vital and promising marine sector, according to their description, which is not exploited or invested in the UAE. Until now.

They emphasized the value and importance of the initiative in this direction during the current year 2023 (the year of sustainability), in light of its sensitive and effective role in the sustainability of natural resources, water resources and the fishing sector, as a strategic productive sector.

Al-Nawakhda indicated that fishing on the “international” high seas carries many benefits and positives, the most important of which is the sustainability of the national stock of local fish in regional waters, the preservation of various types of marine life, and the formation of widespread support for the fishing sector, which contributes to enhancing national food security, and providing A major and strategic food product on the table of the Emirati family and residents on the land of the country, proposing to follow the experiences of some developed countries in this field, reflecting the status that the UAE has reached internationally.

new industries

Noukhatha Hamid Rashid Al Zaabi saw that opening the door to fishing on the high seas leads to the establishment of new national industries, such as fish canning and others, which supports the national economy on a large scale, contributes to enhancing economic diversification, supporting productive sectors, and creating new job opportunities for citizens looking for jobs. In addition to investing in fish of non-commercial species that are not preferred among consumers in the Emirates, benefiting from them, recycling them in the local market, and establishing a parallel industry sector for fish farm feed.

price curves

Noukha Omar Saif Al Mazrouei indicated that building a new sector and scope for fishing on the “high seas” works to reduce the import of canned and fresh fish, thus strengthening national food security, and leads to the establishment of a new sector for the extraction and production of fish oils from some types of fish, such as sardines and others. , which is based on some medical, cosmetic and other industries, in addition to providing non-local fish to the UAE market, benthic and surface, especially during the summer months, which works to push the price curves downward, which reflects positively on consumers.

new Horizons

Noukhaza Youssef Bakhit Al-Suwaidi said that fishing on the high seas opens new horizons for the fishing and fisheries sector in the country, by stimulating the establishment of some fish leather industries, and the surplus of the fish crop in the local market can be re-exported to global markets, and benefit from that fish in the market. Local emergencies, crises, diseases and bad weather.

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