Home / News / UAE / The President’s Cup for Endurance kicks off today in Boudheib, with the private stables race

The President’s Cup for Endurance kicks off today in Boudheib, with the private stables race

Abu Dhabi on December 22

Today, Thursday, in Boudhieb International Endurance Village in Al Khatim City, the private stables race will start for a distance of 101 km, the first of the activities of the His Highness the President of the State Endurance Cup 2022, which consists of 3 races.

The festival includes a women’s race of 101 km, which takes place on Friday, while the events conclude on Sunday with the Cup of His Highness the President of the State for Youth and Youth for a distance of 105 km “One Star”.
The activities organized and supervised by the Equestrian and Racing Federation will be accompanied by an international qualifying race for a distance of 122 km, “Two Stars”, which will be held on Sunday on the sidelines of the President’s Cup for Youth and Youth.
The private stables race is held over 4 stages, the first stage is 30.30 km in orange, followed by a 40-minute rest period, and the second stage starts in blue and has a distance of 30.80 km, followed by a 40-minute rest period.
The third stage begins in white with a distance of 20.17 km, followed by a 40-minute rest period, after which the fourth and final stage begins, which is painted in green and has a distance of 20.07 km, which is the same as the women’s race for a distance of 101 km.
The organizing committee of the championship set a number of conditions and controls, and it was decided that the minimum age of the horse is 6 years and above, the maximum heartbeat of the horse is 64 beats per minute, and the minimum weight is 60 kg with the saddle.
A veterinary examination was carried out on the participating horses, and it was ensured that they conform to the specifications specified in accordance with the conditions of the race, and the Organizing Committee of the Championship has set a number of conditions that must be adhered to.
Knight Walter Hernandez, on horseback “HC Anbar” for Al Ain Stables, was crowned with the title of the Private Stables Race for a distance of 101.5 km, which was held last year as part of the activities of His Highness the Head of State’s Endurance Cup, which was held in Boudheib Endurance Village with the participation of 158 male and female riders.
The race champion covered the total distance in 3:56:38 hours, at an average speed of 24.19 km/h.
As for the His Highness the President of the State’s International Endurance Cup race for youth and juniors, for a distance of 105 km, “one star”, and it will be held next Sunday, and it was also divided into 4 stages, the first stage is 34 km in red, followed by a 40-minute rest period.
The second stage begins in blue with a distance of 30.80 km, followed by a 40-minute rest period, then the third stage begins in white with a distance of 20.17 km, followed by a 40-minute rest period, and the fourth and final stage begins in green for a distance of 20.07 km.
His Excellency Major General Dr. Ahmed Nasser Al Raisi, President of the UAE Equestrian and Racing Federation, thanked His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him,” for his interest in sports in general, and the care and support he provides to the UAE equestrian in its various forms.
He said: “The races of His Highness the President’s Cup for the ability organized by the Emirates Equestrian and Racing Federation, and hosted by the Boudheeb International Village for the ability to seal, are races of love, appreciation, loyalty and loyalty to the leader, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him”, and a celebration that bears a dear name. On the hearts of everyone, and the knights, male and female, and everyone who participates in it seeks to win the honor of being crowned with their lofty titles, and to register their names in the Golden List, to be among the constellation of champions who have the title of great glory.
He added: “The Equestrian and Racing Federation is pleased to organize these races, which are a great festival in which the stable owners are keen to be present, and to push the strongest horses, and elite cavalry and jockeys to contribute to the success of the races, and to compete for high titles.”

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