Home / News / UAE / BBC praises the UAE’s penetration into space at a time when the world is paralyzed

BBC praises the UAE’s penetration into space at a time when the world is paralyzed

In a recent article, BBC Future praised the tremendous achievement that the UAE has achieved in the field of space, and how it has proven its position in it within a few years of entering it.

The first thing that Stephen Dowling, deputy editor-in-chief of BBC Future, referred to in his article was the reference to the coincidence of the launch of the space rocket, which was on July 19, 2020, with the time of the spread of “Covid-19”, that difficult time that afflicted the world. paralyzed.

The writer expressed his admiration, saying that the spacecraft “Probe of Hope”, which was launched from the Japanese space launch site on the southern island of Tanegashima, was not American, Russian, or European, but was the first spacecraft from the UAE Space Agency (UAESA), designed to travel farther. from orbit around the earth.

Stephen pointed out that the success of the mission will be the first spacecraft from an Arab country to reach Mars, and the UAE is the fifth country in the world (after the United States, Russia, China and India) to succeed in placing a spacecraft in orbit around Mars. The UAE Space Agency is the second in the world to succeed on the first try (after India).

And the space agency in the country had bet on placing a spacecraft in orbit around Mars (in the first attempt to send details about the weather there) on the date of the country’s celebration of the 50th anniversary of its founding, and Stephen expressed his surprise at that, saying: Only 6 years before the launch of the probe, it was not There is a space agency located in the UAE.

He described the country, despite its recent entry into space, as the most ambitious.

The writer did not miss mentioning the “KhalifaSat” satellite, which was launched in 2018 and was designed by Emirati hands, with the aim of earth monitoring and remote sensing.

Steve says that after these achievements, the UAE will have documented its bet to become one of the leading space agencies in the twenty-first century.

He sees space exploration in 2020 as something different. Because this year the world was in a state of paralysis due to the consequences of the pandemic.

He said that the global space programs that succeeded in putting satellites into orbit have shifted their focus towards Earth’s near neighbor, the moon, but the UAE program is not one of them, as it is looking to Mars.

He said that the UAE’s mission to explore Mars was not just to wave its flag on that global stage, but rather the essence of this mission was to produce the most complete picture of the weather cycles on Mars that had been observed so far; The spacecraft will study Mars with three main instruments.

He said that while more than 30 spacecraft and lander visited this red planet, most of them only took snapshots of the planet’s weather, but the “Probe of Hope” intended to do something more ambitious, covering an orbit that would allow it to take a global snapshot of the Martian climate and follow it through changes. Characteristic seasonality of the planet.

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