Home / News / Smart applications in private schools .. “talismans” baffle parents, difficult to use, lack flexibility and speed of delivery

Smart applications in private schools .. “talismans” baffle parents, difficult to use, lack flexibility and speed of delivery

Technology and its successive developments have been found in our lives in order to facilitate societies and make it easier for their members to access services of all kinds, quickly, flexibly and accurately, without obstacles or wasting time and effort, and modern technologies are supposed to actually contribute to overcoming all obstacles, in front of the masses.

But since the beginning of the current academic year 2022-2023, the chaos of “smart applications” in private schools began to surface in the education community, as each school chose the application that matches its mood, whether it is suitable for parents or not, which resulted in several problems, which exhausted them. Parents and students, from Teams to Horizon, Zoom to Class Doge, and Google’s communication applications.

These applications are supposed to be a healthy phenomenon that supports the educational process and reflects positively on the performance of students and the effectiveness of parents, but the opinions of parents confirmed that some applications have become “talismans” that do not empower the student, cause parents to be confused, and constitute a real obstacle for all, in addition to the huge amount of The “groups” that created a kind of inaction among teachers in communicating with the guardian.

A number of teachers said that the distance learning experience resulted in many types of smart applications that facilitated the process of communicating with the student and the guardian outside the school campus, and devised new methods for homework and the speed of the learners’ performance reports reaching the parents without suffering, and they denied the existence of any failure to follow up the student, or communicate with the parent.

School principals confirmed that the popular applications at the present time are easy to use and highly effective, benefit the student and the guardian, and are available in several languages ​​to enable all nationalities in the UAE. We receive from them in response to the intensity of homework that arrives for the students like a heavy visitor at night.

The concerned authorities confirmed that schools have the authority to use smart applications that they deem appropriate to communicate with parents as long as they do not deviate from the regulations and laws in which private education operates in the country.

“Al-Khaleej” discusses with the educational field in all its categories the problem of the chaos of smart applications in private schools, which constitutes a new burden on families and hinders the progress of students, as it lacks effectiveness and flexibility, is difficult to use and does not achieve speed of achievement.

Monitor “Gulf”

The beginning was with the “Gulf” tour, which monitored a number of smart applications that private schools rely on to facilitate their work, communicate with students and parents, and send assignments and assignments, as they varied and varied from one school to another, and there were no unified programs or applications at the level of all schools.

The tour revealed that the most popular applications in the field of private education include “Teams, Horizon, Zoom, Class Doge and Google Met, Laxial.” There are schools that combine more than one application to improve the quality of the educational process and communicate with parents.

Most of the applications are multilingual, and at least two languages ​​​​”Arabic and English”, but the methods of use and management of these applications differed, which resulted in great challenges that hinder parents and students, as each school manages the application according to its mood, or with inaccurate mechanisms that hinder students and parents.

complex applications

And in a pause with parents “A.J., A.K., A.H., A.T., I.A., S.N., A.M.”, whose children study in different private schools, and at various educational levels, they confirmed that Smart applications pose a major obstacle for students and parents, as they are complex beyond the perceptions of learners and the abilities of parents, as well as weekly study plans and schedules that change within short periods and surprise parents through applications without any coordination, or warning.

They said that in most cases, the dates of the short or assessment exams are modified without informing the student or the guardian, and the school is satisfied with putting the new dates in the application, explaining that some schools combine more than one application, in addition to the basic application, and this constitutes the biggest challenges that they face. Parents face it, as the main application contains all materials and worksheets, while the other application contains one or two articles, in addition to “groups” on the WhatsApp and Telegram application.


And they expressed their dissatisfaction with the intensity of those applications that had counterproductive results, harmed students, and exhausted parents, asking: How can a student in the first grade participate in 5-6 groups? How will he manage it and deal with it at this age? This made the parents a key role in following up on these groups and dealing with them instead of the student, and this is very painful, especially with working mothers and mothers who have more than one student in different stages of education.

They confirmed that there was a great interaction between parents and schools in the past, but with the presence of these applications and the chaos of groups through communication applications, the matter has become like “the birth that has no owner”, and the interaction has become very modest, in addition to the maze that children suffer, especially since home duties and assignments You reach them through the application, or groups, late at night after a long school day, starting from six in the morning and extending to four in the afternoon.

They said: Although these applications played an important role in facilitating access to education for all students, as well as their contribution to educating a large segment of parents, they work according to random controls and mechanisms controlled by people, and there is no monitoring body supervising them, and what It is promoted from educational content, and its management mechanisms.

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