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Coordination between Dubai Police and the Special Security Forces of the Ministry of Interior

Brigadier General Rashid Khalifa Al Falasi, Acting Director of the General Department of Bodies, Facilities and Emergency Security in Dubai Police, received at the General Department, in the presence of Brigadier General Musabeh Al Ghafli, Acting Deputy Director of the General Department for Emergency Affairs, and Brigadier General Nabil Abdullah Al Redha, Acting Director of the Emergency Department, Colonel Abdul Rahman Ali Al Mansouri Commander of the Special Security Forces at the Ministry of Interior, and his accompanying delegation, which includes Colonel Saeed Ali Abu Khalil, Acting Director of the Support Services Department, Colonel Badr Saleh Al Marzouqi, Director of Operations Department in the Special Security Forces, and a number of officers at the Ministry of Interior and Dubai Police.

During the meeting, ways of coordination and cooperation between the meeting parties in areas of common interest were discussed, in addition to a number of issues related to training and the exchange of experiences and knowledge.

Brigadier General Al Falasi presented to the guest delegation the organizational structure of the Public Administration, and what it includes of departments, sections, tasks, duties and responsibilities. In addition to training programs for workers in various specialized tasks, including personal security and protection management, emergency and riot control management, explosives security management, work systems related to protection and insurance, and best practices applied in this field.
After that, Brigadier General Al Falasi accompanied the delegation on a field tour, during which he briefed them on the advanced devices and equipment used by the General Directorate of Organizations, Facilities and Emergency Security in its various specializations.
At the end of the meeting, Brigadier General Al Falasi and Colonel Al Mansouri exchanged commemorative shields on the occasion of the visit.

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