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UAEU obtains 24 patents during 2022.

Al Ain on January 23 The United Arab Emirates University published 2,324 papers in 2022, including 1,013 research publications related to the Sustainable Development Goals along with the granting of 24 patents based on records extracted on January 4, 2023 from the SCOPUS website.

When analyzing the 2022 publications, according to the research topic, the percentage of publications related to engineering reached 10.8 percent, and in medicine and health sciences 9.4 percent, while the percentage of publications related to computer science reached 7.9 percent, and those related to social sciences reached 6.7 percent.

In 2022, 26.9 percent of papers will be published in the highest-ranked journals (10 percent).
In addition, registered and granted patents constitute one of the most important research outcomes for any academic institution..United Arab Emirates University has so far obtained 227 patents in 2022, 28 new patents have been registered and 24 patents granted.

The United Arab Emirates University seeks to draw a new knowledge reality that consolidates its position locally and globally. The university contributes effectively to scientific progress that serves humanity in general and the local environment in particular.
Dr. Ahmed Murad, Associate Vice-Deputy for Scientific Research, confirmed that the United Arab Emirates University is working to strengthen its connection and interaction with the community, devoting its international academic expertise in finding appropriate solutions to problems facing various sectors of society, and intensifying efforts to prepare a new generation of researchers and thinkers. He pointed out that The quality of research results is evaluated based on the proportion of publications in the highest-ranking journals.

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