Home / News / UAE / Harvest 2022.. the year of recovery and restoration of profitability for the aviation sector. Strong performance.. capacity jumps 67% to 64 million seats

Harvest 2022.. the year of recovery and restoration of profitability for the aviation sector. Strong performance.. capacity jumps 67% to 64 million seats

The aviation sector in the UAE achieved a strong performance during 2022, supported by the recovery in air traffic, in addition to the return of flights by foreign airlines, and the resumption of national airlines to their various destinations around the world. And the Emirati carriers recovered from the impact of the pandemic, recovering more than 90% of their destinations and seat capacity, while this translated into restoring profitability, especially for Emirates Airlines.

International statistics issued by OAG confirm the growth of the UAE aviation sector, after the scheduled seat capacity jumped on flights operating at UAE airports during 2022, to reach 64 million seats, compared to approximately 38.1 million seats in 2021, with a growth rate of 67.4. %.

The data indicated that the seat capacity almost doubled compared to 2022, with a growth of 97.9%, compared to 32.3 million seats in the 2022 epidemic year.

Airlines operating from national and foreign companies at UAE airports added more than 25.7 million new seats during 2022, which reflects the acceleration of the recovery of the travel sector in the UAE.

The data showed that the aviation sector was able to recover more than 84.3% of the pre-pandemic peak levels in 2019, during which the total seat capacity reached 75.8 million seats, while the global travel sector is still 18% lower than pre-pandemic. levels. -19.

The 18th Emirates in the world

According to the Corporation’s annual report, the UAE ranked 17th globally and first regionally among the list of the 20 largest air transport markets in the world in terms of scheduled seat capacity during the year 2022, on flights at its international airports, and the fastest markets Recovering from the crisis, which is the list topped by the United States. United States, China and India.

The UAE ranked 11th in the world among the top 20 markets in terms of recovery in total scheduled seat capacity compared to pre-pandemic levels.

And considering that the UAE market depends on international travel only, the data indicates that the country is the first to recover among other international markets.

29% state share

And the UAE acquired about 29% of the scheduled seat capacity of airlines in the Middle East region during the year 2022, which according to the data amounted to 219.14 million seats, while the state’s share of the seat capacity of airlines worldwide, which amounted during the current year to more than 4.74 billion. seat, about 13.4%.

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