Home / News / UAE / The Head of State participates in the International Conference on Development and Migration in Rome

The Head of State participates in the International Conference on Development and Migration in Rome

Rome, July 23 / His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him,” participated in the work of the “International Conference on Development and Migration,” which began its activities today in the Italian capital, Rome.
The conference was opened by Her Excellency Giorga Meloni, Prime Minister of Italy, in the presence of heads of state and government, relevant officials and experts, as well as representatives of many regional and international organizations and institutions concerned with migration issues and challenges, economic and social development, and others.
The conference discussed the challenges of irregular migration and the urgent need to find integrated solutions that address its root causes, in addition to searching for ways to reduce this phenomenon, which is closely linked to the factors of social and economic development, security and stability in the countries of immigration.
His Highness, the President of the State, had arrived at the headquarters of the conference, which is being held at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and was received by HE Giorga Meloni, Prime Minister of Italy.
His Highness arrived earlier today in Rome on a working visit to the Italian Republic to participate in the “International Conference on Development and Migration” which is being hosted by Italy.
His Highness is accompanied during the visit by a delegation that includes .. His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Tahnoon Al Nahyan, Special Affairs Advisor at the Presidential Court, His Excellency Ali bin Hammad Al Shamsi, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for National Security, and His Excellency Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashemy, Minister of State for International Cooperation.
In a speech by His Highness on the occasion of the “Development and Migration Conference” .. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him,” announced the UAE’s contribution of $100 million to support development projects in countries affected by the phenomenon of irregular migration. This includes supporting the initiatives put forward in the “Rome Process”.
His Highness thanked the friendly Italian Republic for hosting this important conference and inviting the UAE to participate in it.
His Highness said that the conference confirms the desire of our countries to enhance cooperation, integration and joint action on an international issue of great importance and sensitivity, which is the issue of irregular migration, in a way that serves the aspirations of peoples towards stability, development and prosperity.
His Highness added that the conference is being held at an important stage that the world is going through that requires more solidarity and solidarity among its countries. We in the UAE firmly believe that international teamwork and building bridges of cooperation between different countries of the world is the way to face common global challenges.
His Highness the President of the State stressed that the phenomenon of irregular migration, which leads to the loss of thousands of human lives annually, is one of the most serious challenges facing the world today, stressing that this phenomenon needs a comprehensive treatment based mainly on development and stability, because development brings stability and peace, whether within societies or at the international level.
His Highness added that dealing with cases of displacement, whether it be asylum or migration, requires strengthening joint efforts to address the main causes through comprehensive development efforts and close cooperation between all affected countries, which include countries of origin, transit and countries hosting refugees and migrants, in addition to the support of international and regional agencies and initiatives to build on what has been previously achieved in facing these challenges.
His Highness said that climate change is one of the main causes of irregular migration because it causes drought, destroys agricultural crops and increases poverty in many countries. In this context, His Highness expressed his aspiration to meet the heads of state and their delegations participating in the Conference of the Parties to the twenty-eighth United Nations Framework Convention (COP28), which the UAE will host at the end of this year. His Highness added: “We seek through the conference to accelerate international efforts to address the effects of climate change and support the implementation of the outcomes of previous conferences.”
In this context, His Highness affirmed that the UAE believes in the importance of the role of diplomacy and dialogue as tools for building trust, and will continue to support global peace and stability, calling for cooperation for the good of humanity.
At the end of his speech, His Highness the President of the State expressed his thanks to friendly Italy for its efforts in coordinating the conference, wishing success for the conference in producing results that serve development, stability and peace in the world.

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