Home / News / UAE / Six months, the maximum period for the worker’s experience, from the date of his work, and for one time

Six months, the maximum period for the worker’s experience, from the date of his work, and for one time

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation has authorized the employer to appoint a worker under a probationary period for a period not exceeding 6 months from the date of commencement of work. It has also permitted the employer to terminate the worker’s service during this period after notifying him in writing at least 14 days prior to the date set for termination of service.

She clarified that the worker may not be appointed on probation more than once with one employer, and if the worker successfully passed the probationary period and continued to work, the contract becomes valid according to the agreed terms, and that period must be counted within the service period. And it indicated that if the worker wishes to move during the probationary period to work for another employer in the country, he must notify the original employer of that in writing for a period of no less than one month from the date of his desire to terminate the contract, and the new employer is obligated to compensate the original employer with recruitment costs, or Contracting with the worker, unless agreed otherwise.

She indicated that if the foreign worker wishes to terminate the work contract, during the probationary period, to leave the country, he must notify the employer of this in writing at least 14 days before the date specified for the termination of the contract, and in the event that he wishes to return to the country and obtain a new work permit within 3 months from the date of departure, the new employer is obligated to pay compensation, unless there is an agreement between the worker and the employer.

It stated that if either party terminates the employment contract without observing the provisions, it is obligated to pay the second party a compensation equal to the worker’s wages for the notice period, and if the worker leaves the country without being bound by the aforementioned provisions.

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