Home / News / UAE / Dubai residents accept more restaurants … and home delivery jumps 17% 61% The average visit to restaurants on occasions increases to 2.9 times

Dubai residents accept more restaurants … and home delivery jumps 17% 61% The average visit to restaurants on occasions increases to 2.9 times

162 dirhams average expenditure on restaurants per week
51 dirhams average visit to the restaurant per person per week
Satisfaction with food offers increased by 11.5%.

The Department of Economy and Tourism in Dubai organized the fourth periodic meeting with the partners of the food and restaurant sector. Recently completed, as well as the Gastronomy Always On campaign survey launched by the department.

Partners in the food, restaurant and culinary arts sector participated in the meeting, which was held recently at the Jumeirah Mina A’Salam Hotel.

In addition to hotel groups, destinations and experts specializing in the food sector.

During the meeting, the Department of Economy and Tourism in Dubai reviewed future opportunities and plans with partners and stakeholders in the food sector, which include an extensive list of events, launching a series of promotional content, interactive activities, as well as partnerships aimed at providing support and promotion of the sector, in a way that contributes to strengthening the food system. The vibrant emirate that boasts more than 13,000 restaurants and cafes, in addition to supporting efforts to establish Dubai as a leading global destination for food tourism.

During the meeting, the results of the Gastronomy Always On campaign survey were reviewed, which highlighted the trends of the food sector in the emirate, as well as its ability to attract the interest of partners, stakeholders and innovators in this field, while highlighting the contribution of the Dubai Food Festival to promoting food culture and its diverse experiences. in the city; The results of the survey showed the impact of the festival on the sector as a major contributor to its prosperity, in addition to its ability to improve the dining experiences of the population, which results in an increase in their rates of leaving homes to eat in restaurants.

The results showed an increase of 61% in the average number of occasions by going to restaurants per week, reaching 2.9 times compared to

1.8 times in the last questionnaire, which confirms the festival’s ability to encourage residents to taste more dishes and foods offered by the many restaurants in the emirate.

The results confirmed the festival’s commitment to providing value for money to residents and visitors. Where residents currently spend an average of 162 dirhams per week on dining in restaurants, or 51 dirhams per visit, which is evidence of the festival’s efforts to provide food experiences for different groups, regardless of their budgets, which enhances the emirate’s reputation as a destination that provides exceptional value for money. .

The growing popularity of street food

In addition, the results showed an increase in home delivery by 17% per week from 1.7 to 2.0 times, which comes as a result of the development of digital services that provide convenience and ease of access through platforms for ordering various foods. While the festival continues to provide a variety of authentic and comfortable dining experiences even in the homes of residents by adapting to consumer behaviors.

It was also evident that the level of residents’ satisfaction with food offerings in Dubai was high; Where he reached an 8.7 in this survey; This represents an increase of 11.5% compared to the previous survey. The results of the survey also shed light on the growing popularity of street food, which came as a result of the presence of events dedicated to this type of food within the activities of the festival.

Dubai Food Festival

In its tenth edition, the Dubai Food Festival included a distinguished group of food events and experiences, confirming the emirate’s commitment to originality and innovation. It attracted a wide range of local and international chefs, as well as famous restaurants and street food vendors, which gave visitors an exceptional experience to taste authentic flavors from all over the world. The questionnaire also stated that the categories of generations “Boomers”, “Z” and “Millenniums” are among the highest percentage of those who dine in restaurants, which highlights the success of the festival in providing an authentic and diverse dining experience that attracts the multicultural population of Dubai in addition to international visitors.

The “Dubai Restaurant Week”, one of the most prominent events of the festival, witnessed a rise in its fame and popularity by 142%. With regard to the number of reservations according to the capacity; This increase confirms the festival’s ability to attract a growing group of food lovers who want to explore the food and culinary arts offerings of this diverse community. The festival also succeeded in strengthening its base and spread by achieving a 104% increase in the number of restaurants and food outlets, which contributed to providing a wider range of options for food lovers, while participating restaurants recorded an increase of 96% in the level of satisfaction, which is evidence of the festival’s commitment to Deliver exceptional experiences.

In addition, the “Journey into the World of Tastes” event witnessed remarkable growth, achieving a 113% increase in the number of unique concepts, which in turn contributed to providing unforgettable dining experiences.

The Gastronomy Always On campaign survey and the results of the Dubai Food Festival reflect the success of the sector and the festival in general in strengthening Dubai’s position as a global destination for food. This success is linked to the commitment to providing a wide range of distinctive and authentic dining experiences that cater to the city’s multicultural population as well as visitors from all over the world.

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