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A pediatrician determines the vitamins needed for schoolchildren

Pediatrician Dr. Alla Kalintseva identified the vitamins that schoolchildren need, and how they affect their activity.

The Russian doctor points out, in an interview with the newspaper “Izvestia”, that in order for the student to bear school burdens and extracurricular activities, he must receive a balanced nutrition that contains a high percentage of vitamins and mineral elements, as well as materials that help normal growth and development, and work All organs and systems of the body are normal. Because this makes him remember new material more easily and complete his duties faster.

Vitamin D

Improves short memory function, contributes to the absorption of fluorine and calcium, improves the condition of bones and teeth. In case of deficiency, the child suffers from fatigue, tooth decay, pain in the bones and muscles, and paresthesia. This vitamin is found in beef liver, egg yolk, fatty fish, butter, dairy products, and in potatoes.

В . group vitamins

These vitamins improve the mood and emotional state of the child, and are also useful for adolescents who need to remember a large amount of information, because they form a strong memory and improve attention. These vitamins are found in beef liver, mushrooms, pine nuts, beans, eggs and dairy products.

Vitamin С

This vitamin is a strong oxidizer, but the body does not store it, so it must be taken constantly. This vitamin helps the absorption of vitamins of the В group, and it also strengthens the child’s memory and protects his eyesight. It “supports immunity and maintains health.”

This vitamin is found in sweet peppers, broccoli, citrus fruits, black currants, watermelon, tomatoes, raw cabbage, spinach, and in liver.

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