Home / News / UAE / Ammar, “Conqueror of Autism”.. An Emirati story of struggle, starring the mother

Ammar, “Conqueror of Autism”.. An Emirati story of struggle, starring the mother

Emirati student Ammar Saba’a, from Al-Jawda Secondary School in Ras Al-Khaimah, succeeded in overcoming and taming “autism” disorders, while his distinction was recently crowned by reaching the final stage of the Arab Reading Challenge competition at the state level, after his success in the challenge at the level of his school and then at the level of the emirate. In the past, she was able to form the personality of a student who possesses the skill of quick memorization, and other skills that are difficult for normal people to possess, which are generally the fruits of focusing on his education from a young age.

In statements to Al-Khaleej, Sumaya Al-Jallaf, the student’s mother, confirmed that she learned that her eldest son, born in 2006, had “autism” since he was two years and 8 months old, and from there his intensive education journey began, which was difficult and stressful, but its impact was clear in the end, as he was able to possess skills that his peers did not have, and he became quick to memorize, and he loves disassembling and reassembling electronics, and his grades are high in all subjects.

Tough challenge

Sumaya Al-Jallaf said: “Since he was young, Ammar’s upbringing posed a difficult challenge, and he was my first born, and his birth was difficult, and he did not sleep, and was late in speaking, and when he spoke his first words, they were incomprehensible, although he was hearing normally, and he raised his hand to supplicate and imitate us, but he had difficulty in visual communication, as it is difficult for him to place his eyes in the eyes of the person he is addressing.”

She added: «He had strange or remarkable behaviors, as he was describing cubes of one color with each other, in an arranged manner, to take my suspicions by increasing day after day that my child is not normal, so I went with him to a special center for people of determination, where the specialist there told me that his movement indicates the possibility that he has excessive activity or that he has autism, then I took him to a specialized center in Dubai, and he was two years and eight months old, where he was diagnosed with autism, and his degree was estimated from simple to moderate.

Several axes

Umm Ammar went on: “We advised the center to push him to socialize with his peers, and not to enter him into special centers for people of determination, so that he would adopt the behavior of the normal, so I registered him in one of the nurseries and after that in the kindergarten, and his teacher advised us to return the second grade to a kindergarten with her, so that he learns to write his name, and then he entered the school, and I was insisting that the assistance stay with him, but the school refused after knowing Ammar’s requirements, and the assistance was limited to the time of trips only, and when he returned from school, I go with him to a special center for teaching pronunciation and writing skills, and I focus on everything that is educational.”

Faith and persistence

Sumaya Al-Jallaf continued to talk about the story of her son’s struggle, saying: “I have always believed in dealing with Ammar, as he is healthy and does not suffer from any disease, especially when I entrust him with responsibilities commensurate with his age, and he began to outperform his peers since he was in the second grade, when he got first place, and in most grades and stages he won first places, until he reached the eleventh class, and I entered him in a special education class, and he has skill in installing electronics, and he also participated in the summer communication camp, and he loves to research in « YouTube», he also memorizes the flags of countries, and memorizes Surat Al-Nour on his own, and I discovered that he has a new skill every day, and his teacher encouraged him to participate in the Arab reading challenge, and he actually participated until he reached the final nominations.

Efforts will not be lost

Sumaya Al-Jallaf confirmed that participating in the reading challenge benefited him a lot, despite his annoyance that he would not win, but he started talking, debating and asking, and my advice to the mothers of this dear segment is to focus on educating their children from the beginning, and paying attention to developing their skills, and I say to the mothers: “Continue work, care and fatigue.

As for Khaled Walid, a special education teacher at the Quality School in Ras Al Khaimah, he said: “I noticed that student Ammar Saba’ had the skill of reading and memorizing quickly, and encouraged him to participate in the reading challenge, and he read 25 books at home, and he was responsive and memorized the data and summaries of each book. His personality became stronger and he trusted himself more, despite his suffering from autism spectrum disorders, but the abundance and variety of books benefited him greatly.

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