Home / News / UAE / A big jump in the number of completed buildings during January and February in Dubai

A big jump in the number of completed buildings during January and February in Dubai

Data issued by Dubai Municipality and published by the Dubai Statistics Center indicated that the number of completed buildings in the Emirate of Dubai from the beginning of 2023 until the end of February reached 537 buildings, compared to 299 buildings during the same period in 2021, with a growth rate of 79.6%.

Completion of 537 buildings in Dubai during January and February, with a growth of 79%

226 investment villas
220 private villas
42 multi-storey building
29 public buildings
20 industrial buildings

Investment villas accounted for the largest share of completed new buildings with a rate of 42.1% with 226 buildings, then private villas second with 41% equivalent to 220 buildings, multi-storey buildings came in third place with 42 buildings equivalent to 7.8%, and public buildings fourth with 29 buildings with a percentage 5.4%, while industrial buildings came in fifth place, with a rate of 3.7%, with the completion of 20 buildings.

It is worth noting that the number of buildings completed in Dubai during the year 2022 reached 1941 buildings, compared to 2237 buildings during 2021, with a decrease of 13.2%. The total value of buildings completed in Dubai during the 9 months of 2022 recorded about 11.8 billion dirhams, resulting from the completion of 1417 buildings.

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