Home / News / UAE / Our national chess player: The team has prepared well to enhance the chances of qualifying for the World Cup

Our national chess player: The team has prepared well to enhance the chances of qualifying for the World Cup

Abu Dhabi, February 20 / Ammar Mohammed Al-Sidrani, our national chess player, confirmed his readiness to participate in the Arab Classic Chess Championship, with great ambitions along with the rest of the male and female players who defend the ambitions of the UAE in the tournament.

The tournament will be held in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, from February 25 to March 6, with the participation of 21 countries, and our national team will participate in it with 6 male and female players.

The Arab Championship grants the title of Grand International Master and Grand International Professor, and qualifies the winner and the winner to participate in the Chess World Cup, in addition to other titles for the winners.

Al-Sidrani expected strong competition in the tournament due to the keenness of all participants to win the first place qualifying for the World Chess Championship, and to compete for other titles in the tournament.

He said: “We participate in this great tournament with great ambitions that are growing to achieve the aspirations of the UAE, which always seeks excellence in results, and we realize the value of this competition in the presence of about 21 countries that have the same aspirations.”

He added: “I keep distinct memories in memory, as I won first place 3 times in a row in the championships of the Arab Sunni categories, and I hope that the scene will be repeated this time in the adult championship in Sudan.”

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