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Mohammed bin Rashid issues a law regarding the Dubai Ports Authority

Enhancing the emirate’s position as a distinguished global model in the management and operation of ports and handling stations and providing operational operations.
Supporting import, export and re-export movement, and providing an attractive investment environment for international companies specialized in the shipping and logistics sector.
Transferring all functions, powers and employees of the Dubai Dry Docks Authority to the Dubai Ports Authority.

Dubai, March 2 / In his capacity as Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, issued Law No. (4) of 2023 regarding the Dubai Ports Authority, with the aim of strengthening the emirate’s position as a distinguished global model in managing Operating ports and handling stations, providing operational operations, regulating and developing the port sector in Dubai, in accordance with the strategic plans and general policies approved in this regard, contributing to raising Dubai’s position as a center for global maritime trade, supporting the movement of imports, exports and re-exports through the emirate’s ports, and providing an attractive investment environment. International companies specialized in the shipping and logistics sector, as well as supporting the maritime sector, and encouraging investment in maritime industries and services.

The law defined the powers of the authority, including: drawing up strategic plans and drawing up general policies to supervise ports and handling stations in Dubai, regulating their operation, establishing, developing and maintaining infrastructure and superstructures in ports, supervising them, and providing the necessary services for them.
The functions of the Dubai Ports Authority also included, in accordance with the law, defining and organizing the works, activities and professions authorized to be practiced in ports and handling stations, issuing the necessary certificates and permits for them, in coordination with the concerned authorities in the emirate, monitoring and inspecting all activities that take place inside the ports and handling stations, and controlling the actions that are carried out. They are committed in violation of the provisions of this law and the decisions issued pursuant to it, in addition to regulating the security aspects of ports, handling stations, activities and operational operations, in coordination with the competent security authorities, and setting the necessary controls and procedures to ensure the safety of passengers and goods.
The law also included the organizational structure of the Dubai Ports Authority, the terms of reference of the head of the Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation, the executive body of the authority, and the mechanism for appointing the executive director of the Dubai Ports Authority, in addition to defining his terms of reference.
The new law stipulates that, as of the date of its implementation, all functions and powers assigned to the Dubai Dry Docks Authority and all its employees, in addition to all movable and immovable funds owned by the authority, shall be transferred to the Dubai Ports Authority, provided that the authority replaces the Dubai Dry Docks Authority in all its possessions. rights and obligations.
This law replaces Decree No. (1) of 1990 regarding the establishment of the Dubai Ports Authority and its amendments, and Decree No. (4) of 1991 regarding the Dubai Ports Authority, and Decree No. (3) of 1983 regarding the establishment of the Dubai Dry Docks Authority and its amendments, and Decree No. (29) ) for the year 2005 regarding joining the Authority to the Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation, and Resolution No. (10) for the year 2022 regarding authorizing the Executive Director of the Dubai Ports Authority to supervise the Dubai Dry Docks Authority, and any provision in any other legislation is repealed to the extent that it contradicts the provisions of this law.

The decisions, regulations, and regulations issued in implementation of the aforementioned legislation shall continue to be enforced to the extent that they do not conflict with the provisions of this law, until the issuance of the decisions, regulations, and systems that replace them.
This law shall be published in the Official Gazette, and shall come into force from the date of its publication.

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