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The Ministry of State for Federal National Council Affairs defines the structure and roles of the Council

Dubai on December 6th

The Ministry of State for Federal National Council Affairs organized an awareness and introductory visit to the Federal National Council for about (55) employees of government agencies and school and university students.

The visit – which coincided with the holding of the second session of the fourth regular session of the seventeenth legislative term of the FNC – aimed at introducing the visitors to the structure of the Council and the roles it contributes to the development process witnessed by the country in all fields, in addition to providing a detailed explanation about the Council’s committees. And its working mechanisms and competencies entrusted to it to assist the Council in exercising its legislative and oversight powers.

During the visit, the Federal National Council elections were introduced, in addition to organizing a tour for the visitors in the Museum of the Council, which included providing them with historical information about the Council’s march, introducing them to the most important achievements it achieved, as well as showing them the interactive polling centers map, which includes all information related to the polling centers, and how to Vote in the elections through it.

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