Home / News / World / Better weather reduces Germany’s gas consumption by 14% in 2022, 33% of its imports come from Norway

Better weather reduces Germany’s gas consumption by 14% in 2022, 33% of its imports come from Norway

Gas consumption in Germany declined by 14% in 2022, compared to the average that prevailed during the previous four years, which contributed, with mild weather and calls for limiting use, to exclude the hypothesis of a scarcity.
The Federal Networks Authority (BNetzA), which publishes this annual tally, said in a statement issued on Friday, “Temperatures had a significant impact on gas consumption.”
The consumption of the industrial sector decreased by 15%, while the use of private households and small and medium-sized companies decreased by an average of 12%, according to the Federal Authority.
Reducing gas consumption is a vital issue for the largest European economy, which has been shaken by the energy crisis that resulted from the crisis in Ukraine, and the government has set a goal to reduce energy consumption in the winter months by 20%.
In addition to the measures adopted in the public and private sectors to save energy and call on individuals to reduce their consumption, many companies reduced their use, as they had to reduce their production due to the sharp rise in gas prices.
The temperatures recorded in 2022 were also 1.1 degrees higher than the average for the previous four years, according to the Federal Networks Authority.
For the first time, the largest part of the gas consumed in Germany came from Norway (33%), compared to 22% from Russia. In 2021, Russian gas imports would cover more than half of German demand.
The tug-of-war in the energy field between Russia and the West against the background of the war in Ukraine caused the gradual cessation of Russian gas supplies through the Nord Stream line in the Baltic Sea.
Germany has come to rely on LNG imports by sea from other countries, as well as the increasing and temporary use of coal terminals.
“The lack of gas imports from Russia may be partially offset by additional imports, especially from the Netherlands, Belgium and Norway,” the agency said in its statement.
Germany has succeeded in avoiding the “worst” in the field of energy supplies and is looking forward to next winter “with some optimism,” according to Robert Habeck, Minister of Economy and Climate.

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