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Media in: newspaper editorials

Abu Dhabi, February 18: Al-Khaleej newspaper warned that the Ukrainian war has begun to deviate from the traditional front lines into something more dangerous, especially after the threat made by an official in the Russian Foreign Ministry to target the civilian space infrastructure used by the United States to spy on Russia.

The newspaper said – in its editorial today, under the title “Does the war move to space?” – With the Ukrainian war approaching its second year without any hope of reaching an agreement soon for peace talks, and with the escalation of unlimited Western support for Ukraine, and the sound of horns, to provide it with advanced weapons, And modern tanks, anti-missile systems, and combat aircraft. It seems that Russia is seeking, for its part, to develop means of confrontation and escalate it, after realizing that the West does not want a settlement, and is moving forward in its effort to defeat it, and after making sure that the West, especially the United States, relies on Satellites provide Ukrainian forces with information and coordinates about the presence of Russian forces, to target them.

The newspaper added that the United States and NATO countries did not deny that they are providing the Ukrainian forces with intelligence information that enables them to strike the Russian forces in the battle lines and behind them, to hinder them from achieving any progress, and there is no doubt that this intelligence is collected through dozens of satellites, which are located In space, which monitors the Russian forces and their movements around the clock, and since the war has begun to cross the “red lines”, Russia believes that it has the right to cross these lines, to defend itself, since the goal is to defeat it.

And she explained: If space is still outside the confrontation until now, its militarization began years ago through “Star Wars” launched by former President Ronald Reagan, and then continued after him, with the establishment of space military leaders in the United States, Russia and China, which means That the space war entered into the strategies of the great powers, which began to prepare for a possible space confrontation, by launching satellites with military objectives, and by experimenting with destroying satellites with missiles launched from the ground, as Russia did last November 15, when it destroyed an unauthorized satellite. active in orbit since 1982; This is in a clear message to the United States of its growing missile capabilities, to reach outer space.

She referred to what the Director of the Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Department at the Russian Foreign Ministry, Konstantin Vorotsov, stated, “that the dangers of turning outer space into a starting point for waging war have begun in space, and the threat it reflects to international security.” He also noted that the United States “uses space infrastructure.” Semi-civilian service for military purposes.

At the end of its editorial, Al-Khaleej emphasized that if Russia carries out its promise, this means a change in the rules of the game, and it may be an attempt by Russia to contain this open war and stop Western support for Kiev. Because Russia is also aware that the Russian space infrastructure will become a target on the part of Western countries.

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