Home / Finance & Business / Economic Indicators / 14 activities lead the growth of Dubai’s economy by 4.4% during 2022, “transportation and storage” the highest growth … and “wholesale and retail” the most contributing

14 activities lead the growth of Dubai’s economy by 4.4% during 2022, “transportation and storage” the highest growth … and “wholesale and retail” the most contributing

Aug 24

Dubai’s economy achieved real growth during the past year 2022 by 4.4%, bringing the emirate’s GDP at constant prices to 414.5 billion dirhams, compared to the previous year, when Dubai’s GDP amounted to approximately 397.2 billion dirhams.

According to recent data issued by the Dubai Data and Statistics Corporation of the Dubai Digital Authority, Dubai’s gross domestic product at current prices increased by 10.7% to 464 billion dirhams, compared to 419 billion in 2021.

The strong growth achieved by the emirate’s economy for the year 2022 is attributed to the increase in the contribution of 14 main sectors and activities, while it declined in 5 other sectors and activities.


In terms of sectors that recorded the highest growth rates in 2022, transportation and storage activities came first, increasing by 26.8% to reach about 48.5 billion dirhams (contributing 11.7% of the emirate’s output in 2022), compared to 38.26 billion dirhams in 2021.

Accommodation and food services activities came second, with a growth of 20.3%, bringing the value of its output to 13.8 billion dirhams (contributing 3.3% to Dubai’s gross product), compared to 11.48 billion dirhams in 2021.

Arts, entertainment and leisure activities came third, with a growth of 15.4%, to 791 million dirhams (1.4% of its total contribution), compared to 685 million dirhams in 2021.

Electricity, gas, water and waste management activities came fourth, with a growth of 6.7%, representing a value of 13.6 billion dirhams (contributing 3.3%), compared to 12.78 billion dirhams. Then real estate activities, with a growth of 3.1% and a value of 32.7 billion dirhams (7.9% of its contribution to Dubai’s gross product), compared to 31.7 billion dirhams. Professional, scientific and technical activities came sixth, with a growth of 2.9%, at a value of 14.2 billion dirhams (contributing 3.4% to Dubai’s output) compared to 13.8 billion dirhams, and activities in the field of human health and social work came seventh, with a growth of 2.9% to reach 5.7 billion dirhams (1.4% of The emirate’s domestic product), compared to 5.5 billion dirhams. Other services activities, eighth, grew by 2.9% to about two billion dirhams (0.5% of the emirate’s output), compared to 1.87 billion dirhams.

Administrative and support services activities came ninth, with a growth of 2.7%, to exceed 12 billion (2.9% of the emirate’s output), compared to 11.7 billion dirhams, then information and communications tenth, with a growth of 2.6%, and a value of 17.5 billion dirhams (4.2% of the emirate’s output), compared to 17 1 billion dirhams, then wholesale and retail trade, and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, with a growth of 2.1% to 106.5 billion dirhams (25.7% of its contribution to Dubai’s output), compared to 104.34 billion dirhams.

The education sector ranked twelfth, with a growth of 1.5% and a value of 7.5 billion dirhams (1.8% of Dubai’s GDP), compared to 7.4 billion dirhams, and financial and insurance activities ranked thirteenth, with a growth of 1.4%, with a value of 47.44 billion dirhams (11.4% of the emirate’s output). ), compared to 46.8 billion dirhams, and finally the manufacturing industries, with a growth of 0.3%, at a value of 35.4 billion dirhams (8.5% of the emirate’s output), compared to 35.34 billion dirhams.

most regressed

In terms of sectors and activities that witnessed a decline in their contribution to the emirate’s GDP, the agriculture, forestry and fishing sectors were the most declining sectors, at -4.6%, with a value of 509 million dirhams (0.1% of Dubai’s GDP), compared to 534 million in 2021. Mining and quarrying activities came The second most declining sector, by -4.2%, to 8.6 billion dirhams (2.1% of Dubai’s GDP), compared to 9 billion dirhams.

The construction sector came as the third most declining sector, at -3%, to 25.6 billion dirhams (6.2% of Dubai’s GDP), compared to 26.4 billion dirhams, followed by public administration, defense and compulsory social security activities, down by -2.1%, to reach 20 billion (4.8%). % of the emirate’s output), compared to 20.5 billion dirhams, and finally the activities of households that employ individuals and households in the production of goods and services that are not distinguished for their own use, down 0.4% to 1.96 billion dirhams (0.5% of Dubai’s output), compared to 1.97 billion. dirhams in 2021.

highest contribution

With regard to the sectors and activities that contribute the highest to Dubai’s economy, and helped the growth of the emirate’s gross domestic product, the wholesale and retail trade sector and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles came as the largest contributing sector (25.7%), with a value exceeding 106.5 billion dirhams.

Then the transportation and storage sector secondly, with a value of 48.5 billion dirhams, representing 11.7% of Dubai’s economy, financial and insurance activities third, with 47.4 billion dirhams, representing 11.4%, manufacturing industries fourth, with a value of 35.4 billion dirhams, with a share of 8.5%, then real estate activities fifth, with a value of 32.7 billion dirhams, representing 7.9%. %.

The construction sector came sixth with a value of 25.6 billion dirhams representing 6.2%, public administration, defense and compulsory social security seventh with about 20 billion representing 4.8%, information and communications eighth with a value of 17.5 billion dirhams representing 4.2%, then professional, scientific and technical activities ninth with 14.2 billion dirhams representing 3.4%. In the tenth place, the activities of accommodation and food services came with about 14 billion dirhams, representing 3.3%, then the activities of electricity, gas, water and waste management came in the 11th place with 13.6 billion dirhams, representing 3.3%.

And in the 12th place, administrative services and support activities came with a value of slightly more than 12 billion, representing 2.9%, followed by mining and quarrying with a value of 8.6 billion dirhams, representing 2.1%, then education activities with a value of 7.5 billion dirhams, with a share of 1.8%, and activities in the field of human health and social work with a value of 5.7. One billion dirhams, representing 1.4%, then household activities that employ individuals and household activities in the production of goods and services that are not advantageous for their own use, with a value that touched two billion dirhams, representing 0.5%, followed by other service activities with 1.93 billion dirhams, representing 0.5%, and arts, entertainment and entertainment services. With a value of 791 million dirhams, representing 0.2%, and finally the activities of agriculture, forestry and fishing, with a value that exceeded half a billion dirhams, representing 0.1% of Dubai’s economy for the year 2022.

Thus, a

About salah

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