Home / News / UAE / 143,000 tons of stocks of vegetables and fruits in the UAE, 6,000 items reduced by 50% on the occasion of Ramadan

143,000 tons of stocks of vegetables and fruits in the UAE, 6,000 items reduced by 50% on the occasion of Ramadan

Dubai: Hazem Helmy

The Ministry of Economy confirmed that there is no intention at the present time to increase the prices of basic products in the UAE, despite the many requests it has received recently, and that any increase in prices is subject to the necessary review by the Ministry and its partners before approval. Al-Eqtisad explained that requests to increase prices have recently declined by companies that applied to increase the prices of some products, due to the accurate data and information required by the ministry.

Abdullah Al Shamsi, Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy for the Monitoring and Follow-up Sector, said during a media briefing organized by the Ministry on Thursday in Dubai, during which he reviewed efforts to protect consumers in a sustainable manner throughout the year: “The approval of the 13% increase in poultry and egg prices in the country was granted to nine production companies.” Emirati, after a long period of review and scrutiny of the information they provided, as feed constitutes 40% of the production for these companies,” stressing that the increase is temporary and will be reviewed in the coming months.

Al Shamsi explained that the ministry held a series of meetings with the vegetable and fruit committees in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, in order to ensure the availability of appropriate quantities of vegetables and fruits in the country’s markets. Where the daily import rate of vegetables and fruits in the Dubai market reached about 19 thousand tons, and Abu Dhabi about 6 thousand tons, and the volume of stock currently available is 143 thousand tons.

He added, “The ministry held 26 meetings with suppliers of basic commodities in the country during the year 2023, which included merchants of rice, flour, sugar, meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, juices, and others, to ensure their availability in a manner that meets the needs of consumers during the month of Ramadan.”

9 companies granted approval to increase the prices of poultry and eggs by 13%
94,000 inspection rounds resulted in 4,227 violations in 2022
8170 rounds since the beginning of the year resulted in 1030 violations

Al Shamsi said: “Since the beginning of the year until March 22, the ministry received 590 complaints, of which it dealt with 513, with a completion rate of 87%, while in 2022 there were 3313 complaints, of which 3163 complaints were completed, representing 95% of them.”

He revealed that the teams concerned with the ministry and the departments of economic development in the various markets of the country carried out during the year 2022 about 94,123 inspection rounds, which resulted in 4,227 violations, while the number of inspection tours in the various markets of the country since the beginning of the year until now reached about 8,170 rounds that resulted in 1030 violations.

Al Shamsi stressed that the concerned inspection teams were keen, through the tours, to ensure that price labels are placed and monitor the quality of products offered to consumers, in addition to preventing cases of commercial fraud and trademark infringement.

He pointed out that the ministry will follow up and control the initiatives announced by a group of consumer cooperatives and sales outlets in the country, related to campaigns for discounts on the prices of goods and products during the blessed month of Ramadan, as the rates of these discounts reach 50%, and include up to 6000 commodities announced. About those outlets and associations.

With regard to the issuance of the executive regulations of Federal Law No. (15) of 2020 regarding consumer protection, which will contribute to supporting the legal reference for preserving the rights of consumers and ensuring a balanced relationship between the rights of merchants and suppliers on the one hand, and sales outlets on the other hand, Al Shamsi revealed that the ministry submitted the final draft To the government, and it is currently being considered and after submitting observations and amending it, it will enter into force within the next few months.
Availability of products

He said: «The UAE adopts the best and most efficient policies in terms of providing strategic stocks of all basic commodities needed by citizens, residents and visitors in the country in abundant and sufficient quantities for long periods, with clear directives and unlimited support from the wise leadership of the country, which confirmed that food and medicine is a line. red”.
He added: “Despite the challenges facing global supply chains as a result of the political and economic changes that we are witnessing today; However, the ministry was keen to ensure that no unjustified price hikes were applied by suppliers, to strengthen mechanisms to counter monopoly practices, and to enable sound business practices.

26 meetings since the beginning of the year with suppliers to ensure the availability of goods in Ramadan

Abdullah Al Shamsi explained that the state seeks, through these forward-looking decisions, to establish a balanced and fair relationship between the supplier and the consumer in a way that guarantees the rights of all parties, enhances the stability of the market and the continuity of the business of companies in the country, and ensures the availability of goods and their non-withdrawal or disappearance from sales outlets or a decrease in supply.

According to Al Shamsi, the Ministry is keen to spread a sound consumer culture and to avoid everything that harms the consumer’s health, safety and money, and to educate them about their rights and provide them with correct information, in addition to enabling sound commercial and consumer practices in the markets and ensuring consumer protection, and not raising prices abnormally and unjustified.

He stressed that the ministry seeks to provide an appropriate and safe environment for the consumer when purchasing a commodity or receiving a service, and obtaining correct information about the commodities that he buys or consumes, in addition to protecting the privacy and security of his data and not using it for the purposes of promotion and marketing, in addition to a fair and speedy settlement of his disputes, and obtaining Fair compensation for damages incurred by him or his money as a result of purchasing or using the commodity.

He stressed the interest of the Ministry of Economy in educating consumers in the country about their rights, foremost of which is the choice between alternatives, pointing out that the Ministry is keen to ensure the abundance of these alternatives in the markets, in a way that meets all the requirements and needs of consumers in all emirates of the country.

He said: “The existence of alternatives allows the consumer to choose what suits his needs and his purchasing budget, and enables him to switch from one particular brand to another when the price is high, the quality is low, or there are competitive advantages.”

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