Home / Finance & Business / Economic Indicators / 30,000 new companies join Dubai Chamber in the first half, with a growth of 43%. India leads with 6,717 companies

30,000 new companies join Dubai Chamber in the first half, with a growth of 43%. India leads with 6,717 companies

September 6

Number of new companies joining the Dubai Chamber by the end of June 2023:

3395 Pakistani

2154 Egyptian

963 British
664 tray
639 Jordanian
588 Lebanese
42.4% work in trade
30.8% in real estate

Dubai: “The Gulf”

A recent analysis by the Dubai Chamber of Commerce revealed that Indian investors topped the list of nationalities of new companies joining the Chamber during the first half of 2023, as the number of Indian companies reached 6,717 new companies compared to 4,845 new companies in the first half of 2022, a growth of 39%.
New Indian companies accounted for 22.3% of the total number of new companies joining the Chamber’s membership during the first half, which amounted to 30,146 new companies, thus increasing the total number of Indian companies registered in the Chamber’s membership by the end of the first half of the current year to 90,118 companies. It reflects the important role played by Indian companies in supporting Dubai’s sustainable economic growth process.
The UAE ranked second in the number of new companies joining the Chamber in the first half of this year, as the number of new Emirati companies reached 4,445 companies, while Pakistan ranked third with 3,395 new companies, with a growth rate of 59% compared to its number in the first half. The first of last year, bringing the total number of Pakistani companies registered with the Chamber to 40,315 companies.
Diversity and dynamism
Mohammed Ali Rashid Lootah, Director General of Dubai Chambers, said that the diversity of nationalities of the new companies joining the Chamber’s membership in the first half of 2023 reflects the dynamism and vitality of the business environment in the emirate, and its ability to attract a wide and diverse segment of foreign direct investments, considering that Dubai represents an attractive community for companies on the Different types, nationalities and sizes.
Lootah pointed out that the number of new companies joining the Chamber’s membership in the first half of 2023 achieved a growth of 43%, considering that the various facilities, services and initiatives that the Chamber provides to the business community represent an important attraction factor for companies, reiterating the Chamber’s commitment to representing the business community, supporting it and protecting its interests in a way that serves the agenda. Dubai Economy (D33) and the strategic priorities of the chambers.
Growth in the nationalities of companies reflects the vitality of Dubai’s economy
Egypt came in fourth place, with the number of new Egyptian companies registered as members of the Chamber reaching 2,154 companies, a growth of 102% compared to their number in the first half of 2022, bringing the total number of Egyptian companies registered as members of the Chamber to 18,028 companies.
The number of new Syrian companies that joined the Chamber’s membership in the first half of this year reached 1,184 companies, with a growth rate of 24% compared to their number in the first half of 2022, which then numbered 956 companies, bringing the total number of Syrian companies registered with Chamber membership to 10,678 companies.
The number of new Bangladeshi companies joining the Chamber’s membership increased from 711 new companies in the first half of 2022 to 1,044 new companies in the first half of 2023, a growth rate of 47%, which brings the total number of Bangladeshi companies registered with the Chamber to 10,975 companies. The United Kingdom ranked next, as the number of new United Kingdom companies that joined the Chamber’s membership reached 963 new companies, compared to 688 new companies in the first half of 2022, recording a growth rate of 40%, thus increasing the total number of United Kingdom companies registered in the Chamber’s membership. To 10,010 companies.
China came in the list of the highest nationalities of new companies joining the Chamber’s membership, with 664 new companies joining in the first half of 2023, recording a growth rate of 69% compared to their number in the first half of 2022, which raises the number of Chinese companies registered in the Chamber’s membership to 8,265 companies. New Jordanian companies recorded a growth of 36%, as the number of new companies joining the Chamber’s membership reached 639 companies in the first half of 2023, compared to 469 new companies that joined in the first half of 2022, raising the total number of Jordanian companies registered with Chamber membership to 8,368 companies.
Lebanese companies came on the list, as the number of new companies registered as members of the Chamber reached 588 companies during the first half of this year, recording a growth of 26% compared to their number during the first half of 2022, which then numbered 468 companies, which raised the total number of Lebanese companies registered as members of the Chamber. To 6175 companies.
Top nationalities
The list of nationalities of company owners that achieved the highest growth rate in the number of new companies included countries such as Japan, which recorded a growth of 253%, rising from 17 new companies in the first half of 2022 to 60 new companies in the first half of 2023, and Kyrgyzstan, with a growth rate of 167% from 21. New companies in the first half of 2022 to 56 new companies in the first half of 2023, Tanzania from 14 new companies in the first half of 2022 to 34 new companies in the first half of 2023, and Hungary from 16 new companies in the first half of 2022 to 38 companies. New in the first half of 2023, with a growth rate of 138%.
Corporate sectors
The field of trade and repair services accounted for about 42.4% of the total activity of new companies that joined the Chamber in the first half of 2023, followed by the field of real estate, rentals, and business services, which accounted for 30.8% of the total activity of new companies, while the construction sector came in third place with a percentage of 7.2%, followed by the field of transportation, storage and communications in fourth place, which accounted for 6.3% of the total activity of new companies joining the Chamber’s membership in the first half of 2023.

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