Home / News / UAE / 35% increase in demand for the flexible “Tadbeer” package to provide daily employment in conjunction with the winter vacation for public and private schools

35% increase in demand for the flexible “Tadbeer” package to provide daily employment in conjunction with the winter vacation for public and private schools

A number of directors and officials of domestic labor recruitment centers “Tadbeer” in Abu Dhabi confirmed that the winter vacation for the current academic year in public and private schools increased the demand for the fourth “flexible” package for domestic workers by 35%, as this package allows for the provision of a registered domestic worker on a half-day basis. , daily, weekly and monthly.

Mohammed Al-Samni, Executive Director of the “Quality” Center in Dalma Mall, said that during the past week, the center witnessed a 35% demand from families for the flexible package to provide daily and weekly labor, and the Filipino and Indonesian labor were the most requested.
He pointed out that the latest price list issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation with regard to the traditional package “helpful labor on the sponsorship of the employer”, which is currently witnessing more demand, states that the cost of recruiting Filipino workers is 12 thousand dirhams, Indonesian 15 thousand, Sri Lanka 15 thousand, and Bangladesh 7. Thousands of dirhams, Kenya 6,500 dirhams, Ethiopia 5,000 dirhams, Uganda 6,500 dirhams, Nepal 14,500 dirhams, and India 12,000, indicating that these prices do not include value added tax.
He explained that with regard to the temporary package, “assistant workers to sponsor the center with the temporary employment system”, according to the latest price lists of the ministry, the service includes providing an assistant worker registered at the service center to work for a contractual period for Filipino workers 2500 dirhams per month, Indonesia 2500, Sri Lanka 2300, Bangladesh 2250, and Kenya. 2250, Ethiopia 2300, Uganda 2300, Nepal 2250 and India 2250 dirhams.
He explained that the price list related to the flexible package, which includes the service of providing an assistant worker registered at the service center to work in a flexible system, states that: half-day 4 hours 120 dirhams, daily 8 hours 200 dirhams, weekly 7 days 1120 dirhams, monthly 30 days 3500 dirhams, and 6 Monthly 3250 dirhams per month, and 12 months 3000 dirhams per month.
Muhammad Yaqoub, Executive Director of one of the measures centers in Abu Dhabi, indicated that the demand of customers in the current stage for the fourth “flexible” package increased by 20%, coinciding with the winter vacation of the current academic year in public and private schools, as many families benefited from domestic help. On a daily and weekly basis.
Regarding the most important challenges facing the center, he explained that it is represented in the recruitment of Filipino workers, who are classified as the most demanded, as it takes 45 days to recruit workers from the Philippines. Likewise, the prices of travel tickets for the recruitment of Indonesian workers increased, which constituted an obstacle in the recruitment mechanism, and it took more than a month instead of a week, to obtain a suitable price for the customer.
He stressed that there are no additional fees for clients or an increase in prices, as the prices are set, according to the Ministry, which closely monitors recruitment offices, which has led to the commitment of all recruitment offices.

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