Home / News / UAE / 5 different periods for the validity of UAE residence visas, according to their type, starting from one year to 10 years, including the “golden residence”

5 different periods for the validity of UAE residence visas, according to their type, starting from one year to 10 years, including the “golden residence”

The Federal Authority for Identity, Nationality, Customs and Port Security issues all residence visas in the UAE, according to five periods of validity, and the period varies according to its type, for a period of one year, two years, three years, five years or 10 years, as is the case in the “golden residence” visa. .

The UAE digital government clarified that, according to recent updates in visa issuance policies, a 5-year and 10-year visa can be issued for specific categories, and according to certain conditions, and a residence visa for retirees in the UAE.

She added that the residence visa for family members ends with the expiry of the residence of the head of the family or the guarantor, and the residence is automatically expired or canceled, if its holder remains outside the country for more than 180 days, as for the owners of the golden residence, they are exempted from this condition, as they can stay outside the country. The state for any period, and its length does not lead to cancellation of residence.

She stressed that to issue or renew a residence visa for the first time, an individual who has reached the age of 18 and above must undergo a medical fitness examination determined by the state, to prove his health fitness. He must pass a security check and apply for a resident ID card from the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security.

It identified 15 documents required for the issuance of residency: “a personal photo, a copy of the sponsored passport, the receipt of the Emirates ID application, the housing rental contract (certified) or any proof of ownership of the residence, a copy of the passport of the guarantor or host, a valid residence permit, the work contract of the guarantor, and a fitness certificate. Medical, entry permit, duly attested birth certificate (for children), copy of the wife’s residence (for newborns within the country), health insurance or health card, death or divorce certificate (for a divorced woman and widow who is a guarantor of her family after her husband’s death or divorce), and what proves The existence of housing (for the divorced woman and the widow), evidence of income sufficient for living expenses (for the divorced woman and widow), and a certificate issued by the university or educational institution specifying the duration of study for the students.

Regarding the extension of the residence visa for divorced women and widows, the “Digital Government” clarified that the state allows the extension of residence for them and their children for a year, without a guarantor or host, from the date of death or divorce, and it is renewed for one time. The extension also applies to their children, provided that their residence at the time of the divorce or death is on the sponsorship of the deceased or divorced father.

She stressed that the residence visas for women and their children must also be valid at the time of divorce or death, and that the residence visa period for the children should not exceed the duration of the residence visa of their mother.

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