Home / News / UAE / Start-up of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory at Tawazun Industrial Park in Abu Dhabi Ray Johnson: The Directed Energy Research Center plays a pioneering role

Start-up of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory at Tawazun Industrial Park in Abu Dhabi Ray Johnson: The Directed Energy Research Center plays a pioneering role

The Institute of Technology Innovation, the world’s leading scientific research center, and the applied research arm of the Advanced Technology Research Council in Abu Dhabi, announced that its Directed Energy Research Center has started the full operation phase of the Advanced Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory within the Tawazun Industrial Park near Abu Dhabi.

The electromagnetic compatibility laboratory takes advantage of the advanced E3 testing system to provide high-quality engineering services to the center’s partners and other stakeholders, as well as support local industries to comply with the aspects of electromagnetic compatibility in an optimal manner.

As the first research laboratory of its kind in the UAE and the region, it supports the “E3” test system, which conducts more than 16 tests dedicated to verifying electromagnetic compatibility. The new laboratory is expected to contribute to enhancing the quality of products and reducing costs and time consumed to complete investigations abroad. The process of verifying electromagnetic compatibility is an important milestone in the process of developing any electronic product.

Prior to the establishment of the laboratory, various institutions and stakeholders in the local industry had to travel abroad to validate their products, while now they can test their equipment according to international standards in the field of electromagnetic compatibility in the UAE. It is worth noting that the laboratory is not a certification body, while conducting independent pre-qualification and EMC tests for systems and subsystems as well as preparing accurate and impartial joint reports for customers.

Dr. Ray Johnson, CEO of the Institute for Technology Innovation and Aspire, said: “The Directed Energy Research Center plays a leading role in testing the effects of high-intensity fields in various materials, systems and environments, and the center’s new electromagnetic compatibility laboratory will help our partners accelerate the approval process for their products without leaving the country. The direct result of establishing the laboratory is to establish the Institute’s credibility as a major enabler in advancing transformative technology in the region, which contributes to the process of transforming the UAE into a knowledge-based economy.

In turn, Dr. Shawqi Qassemi, Senior Investigator at the Directed Energy Research Center, said: “We have always aimed at the Center to support unique research requirements that can enhance and advance new applications in various local sectors. Thanks to the capabilities of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory, we can now provide comprehensive testing services to our customers, in addition to He acknowledges his role in supporting our core operations, such as man-made electromagnetic environment modeling, antenna design, production and evaluation, innovative materials for electromagnetic shielding applications, thermoelectric response modeling of industrial systems, and lightning protection. We are fully confident in the laboratory’s ability to encourage strategic collaborations with stakeholders across various fields of industry and academia.”

On the occasion of the opening of the laboratory and the start of its work, the Directed Energy Research Center is organizing a workshop on February 7 entitled “The Electromagnetic Compatibility Verification Process, What Should You Know?”, which will cover the most important aspects of effective electromagnetic compatibility verification, and best practices in developing an verification strategy Consistent and the role of tests and verifications in penetrating new markets, as well as reducing the variance between verifications when tests are performed in different laboratories.

There is no doubt that the launch of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory will contribute to strengthening the reputation of the Directed Energy Research Center as a world-leading center in the field of directed energy pre-qualification testing, in addition to strengthening the pioneering role of the Institute of Technological Innovation and granting the United Arab Emirates a very important technological supremacy that enables it to transform into a center Trusted Directed Energy Research and Development.

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