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The governments of the UAE and Brazil launch a partnership to exchange knowledge and expertise in the fields of economics

Dubai on September 3

The government of the UAE and the government of the Republic of Brazil launched a partnership to exchange knowledge and expertise in economic fields, in an initiative that is the first of its kind within the initiatives of the government knowledge exchange programme, which focuses on launching partnerships and enhancing cooperation with governments in sharing knowledge and expertise in the fields of modernization, development and government.

The launch of the new partnership came as part of a visit by an official Brazilian delegation headed by Alexander Cordero Macedo, Chairman of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense, to the UAE, during which they were briefed on the innovative business models developed by the UAE government in various fields. The visit witnessed the organization of an intensive workshop at the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy. In Dubai, in the presence of His Excellency Abdullah bin Touq Al Marri, Minister of Economy, to review the most prominent experiences and expertise developed by the governments of the two countries in various economic fields.

Abdullah bin Touq: Exploring new paths to exchange knowledge in government work and economic development.

His Excellency Abdullah bin Touq Al Marri, Minister of Economy, stressed the depth of bilateral relations between the United Arab Emirates and the friendly Federal Republic of Brazil, and their development towards more intense levels of constructive cooperation, in light of the support and care of the leadership of the two countries, pointing out that the government of the UAE always works to In order to enhance its readiness and adopt advanced methods in government work, in line with its vision for the future to be the best place to live and work, and to consolidate its position as a leading center for forward-looking government decision-making.

His Excellency said: “The partnership will enable the relevant work teams in the Emirates and Brazil to gain greater insight into the best government experiences and practices. It will also shed light on the investment opportunities available to businessmen from the two countries, thus achieving a major growth leap in the economic and commercial cooperation relations between them.” It will also work to explore new paths to exchange knowledge regarding government work and sustainable economic development.”

Abdullah Lootah: The partnership with Brazil is a new model for knowledge exchange.

His Excellency Abdullah Nasser Lootah, Assistant Minister of Cabinet Affairs for Competitiveness and Knowledge Exchange, stressed that the partnership between the governments of the UAE and the Republic of Brazil to exchange knowledge in economic fields represents a new model for partnerships in the program, which has focused since its launch in 2018 on building partnerships aimed at enhancing knowledge exchange and sharing experiences in Areas of government modernization, noting that this new partnership opens the door to expanding the scope of the program to include the most vital sectors related to the lives of communities and the future of future generations.

Abdullah Lootah said that the UAE government is keen to build positive partnerships in various fields with governments around the world, pointing out that the Republic of Brazil represents an important player in the global economy, and the leadership role it enjoys in several promising economic fields.

Alexandre Macedo: Strengthening positive bilateral relations with the UAE government.

For his part, His Excellency Alexandre Cordero Macedo, Chairman of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense of the Republic of Brazil, stressed the Brazilian government’s keenness to strengthen positive bilateral relations with the government of the UAE, as part of their common directions to expand areas of partnership aimed at developing frameworks and work models in various sectors.

Macedo said: “The visit of the delegation of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense represents a milestone and an important station in the process of developing competition policy and enhancing international cooperation between two prominent countries, the Republic of Brazil and the United Arab Emirates.”

Learn about the experiences of the UAE government.

The Government Knowledge Exchange Office in the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs held a series of meetings with the Brazilian government delegation, to introduce it to the UAE’s experiences, best practices and knowledge that it has developed in the areas of government knowledge exchange, and its innovative models of performance, excellence, government services and accelerators.

During his meeting with the guest delegation, Abdullah Lootah reviewed the objectives of the government knowledge exchange program, the broad partnerships that he worked to launch with more than 30 countries around the world, and the program’s new directions to expand in building specialized knowledge partnerships in various vital sectors.

The guest delegation learned from His Excellency Mohammed bin Taliah, Head of Government Services in the UAE Government, about the country’s experience in developing government services and innovating advanced solutions to provide them to customers at any time or place, reviewing the experience of designing and launching the Model 1 Service Center, the first of its kind in the country, and qualitative services. which it provides.

During meetings in the Prime Minister’s Office in the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, with Malik Al Madani, Executive Director of Government Performance, Marwan Al Zaabi, Director of the Sheikh Khalifa Government Excellence Program, and Dr. Razia Al Hashemi, Director of the Government Accelerators Department, the delegation was also briefed on the best experiences developed by the UAE government and the models. The innovative initiative that it worked on designing and implementing in its various fields of work, including government performance and excellence, and the government accelerators initiative, the first of its kind in the world.

The Brazilian delegation met with Mohammed Al-Sharhan, Director of the World Government Summit Foundation, where he learned about the experience of the World Government Summit and its pioneering global role in anticipating, designing and creating the future, through the platform it provides for exchanging visions, ideas, aspirations, best practices and innovative future experiences applied by leading governments around the world.

Knowledge exchange in economic fields.

The visit witnessed the holding of an intensive workshop in which the leaders of the UAE Ministry of Economy and the visiting Brazilian delegation participated, during which best practices were exchanged in the most prominent areas of economic policy and strategy, which include foreign trade, investment, economic development, intellectual property, confronting money laundering, and…

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