Home / News / World / “Danori” is South Korea’s first lunar orbiter to enter lunar orbit

“Danori” is South Korea’s first lunar orbiter to enter lunar orbit

Seoul on December 28

The Korea Aerospace Institute announced today, Wednesday, that South Korea’s first lunar orbiter, “Danori”, successfully entered the lunar orbit to carry out the planned mission, two days earlier than expected.

And the South Korean news agency “Yonhap” quoted the institute as saying that the Danuri spacecraft entered the lunar orbit on Monday, and is currently orbiting the moon .. pointing out that this was achieved after three rounds of insertion maneuvers in the lunar orbit since the first time that was conducted on December 17. .

The spacecraft will measure the terrain, magnetic strength, gamma rays and other features of the moon’s surface with six onboard instruments during its year-long mission, which begins in January. The probe will also identify potential landing sites for future lunar missions.

It is worth noting that “Danuri”, South Korea’s first space mission outside Earth’s orbit, was launched last August aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in the US state of Florida on South Korea’s first lunar mission, and covered a cumulative distance of 5.94 million. kilometers so far.

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