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المجلس التنفيذي يصدر قراراً بإنشاء «مركز أبوظبي للمشاريع والبنية التحتية»

September 27th

The Executive Council of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi issued a decision to establish the “Abu Dhabi Center for Projects and Infrastructure.”

The center, which reports to the Chairman of the Department of Municipalities and Transport – Abu Dhabi, undertakes several specializations related to capital projects in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.





The competencies of the “Abu Dhabi Center for Projects and Infrastructure” include studying the capital projects proposed by government agencies in Abu Dhabi in a way that contributes to achieving the development goals of the emirate, submitting recommendations regarding them to the Executive Council, following up on their implementation to ensure their delivery in accordance with the approved plans and within the highest standards of quality and safety, and deciding on related requests. capital projects, selecting and identifying developers implementing capital projects, developing contract models and standardizing design standards for projects, in addition to coordinating with government agencies to determine the best options and practices when implementing capital projects in the emirate.





The center coordinates with relevant government agencies regarding the development of strategies related to capital projects, and enhances the role of the private sector by studying partnership projects between the public and private sectors related to capital projects, studying the annual budget for capital projects of government agencies, and approving payments for capital projects, in addition to conducting a periodic audit. On capital project contracts, and following up with government agencies regarding ensuring the optimal exploitation and use of government assets and real estate.

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