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The start of the new academic year in the UAE

Today, Monday, the new academic year, 2023/2024, begins in the UAE.

About 1.2 million students from “public and private” education went to their schools in an enthusiastic atmosphere mixed with hope and optimism.

And the Emirates Foundation for School Education approved the activities of returning to schools for the new academic year during the period from August 28 to September 1, including the quota system and the attendance and departure times for students in all seminars and kindergartens, and the institution granted school administrations the authority to organize the gradual return to school stages through Determining the school stage that initiates the return according to the reality of the school, in a way that supports the activities of returning to schools, in the kindergarten stage and the first cycle, and the institution determined the regularity of students in the second and third cycle in two phases for each day.

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