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Trakhees carries out 9,000 inspection tours in the first half

September 13

The Department of Planning and Development (Trakhees), the regulatory arm of the Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation, intensified its inspection campaigns within the scope of retail facilities in its special development areas during the first half of 2023, which reached more than 9 thousand inspection rounds, resulting in issuing 132 violations.

Engineer Abdullah Belhoul, CEO of the Department of Planning and Development – Trakhees, stated that inspection tours increased during the first half of 2023 by an increase of 146% over last year, under the supervision of the Commercial and Retail Inspection Department of the Department of Commercial Licensing in the Department, distributed among a number of The areas are according to a specific schedule, and are carried out in accordance with certain standards that are followed during inspections.

He explained that the total number of inspection tours carried out by the administration during the first half of 2023 amounted to 9,549 inspection tours, during which 132 violations were detected in various sectors, compared to 3,880 tours last year.

The tours included ensuring the integrity of all commercial practices and safety requirements, as a result of which 645 no-objection certificates were issued to practice the authorized commercial activity.

The inspection team carried out 874 inspection tours in compliance with the provisions of Cabinet Resolution No. (58) of 2021 regarding regulating beneficial ownership procedures.

The Commercial and Retail Inspection Section of the Trakhees Department includes a number of specialized inspectors concerned with verifying the absence of any illegal practices within the facilities, shops, and temporary establishments in the shared areas and facilities, affiliated with the Planning and Development Department – Trakhees.

Belhoul said: “Trakhees” initiates regulatory inspection rounds in its affiliated areas in cooperation with the relevant authorities in an effort to implement standards and requirements in areas specialized in trade and retail business, noting that the observed violations varied between non-compliance with conditions and laws, and exploiting additional spaces without an official permit. And non-compliance with the special mandatory specifications that must be followed in accordance with the regulations, laws and guidelines of the “Trakhees” Department.

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