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Khalifa University opens the first marine research laboratory in the region

September 28


Khalifa University of Science and Technology launched an advanced laboratory named Khalifa University Aquarium for Marine Research and Studies, which is considered the first in the region and is provided with facilities for generating waves and water currents.








The University Center for Robotics and Autonomous Systems and Stanford University announced their cooperation in developing water robots in sustainability, with the aim of conducting advanced research into the use of marine robots in sustainable ocean ecosystems, including removing plastic materials to reduce pollution.








This cooperation comes as part of a memorandum of understanding signed by both parties, to facilitate research and development activities related to marine robotic systems and sustainable marine ecosystem applications, such as ocean monitoring and cleaning, and deep water exploration.








The memorandum was signed by Professor John O’Reilly, President of the University, and Professor Osama Al Khatib, Director of the Laboratory at the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University, in the presence of Salem Butti Al Qubaisi, Member of the University’s Board of Trustees, Director General of the UAE Space Agency, and Fahd Al Kiyoumi, Undersecretary of the Government Support Department.

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