Home / News / UAE / As part of the UAE air bridge, 5 relief planes arrive in the Libyan city of Benghazi

As part of the UAE air bridge, 5 relief planes arrive in the Libyan city of Benghazi

September 14

Five Emirati planes carrying three rescue teams and urgent relief and medical aid arrived at Benina Airport in the city of Benghazi, as part of the air bridge launched by the UAE to provide relief to the brotherly Libyan people as a result of the floods resulting from the heavy rains that Libya witnessed, which claimed the lives of thousands and injured others.

The total number of search and rescue team personnel who began their missions reached 63 individuals, equipped with the necessary machinery, equipment and devices.

The total number of relief and medical supplies transported by planes from the UAE to Libya reached 200 tons.

The operation of the air bridge, which has so far numbered 8 aircraft, comes within the framework of the UAE’s response to support the brotherly Libyan people, and to contribute to strengthening the efforts made to alleviate the difficult humanitarian situation that Libya is experiencing as a result of the aftermath of Hurricane “Daniel” which caused torrents and floods that left thousands dead and missing. It caused great destruction in a number of areas in eastern Libya.

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