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The UAE advances in the “Best Countries” index, first regionally and 19th globally

September 7

The UAE rose two places to 19th place in the world, while maintaining its first position in the Middle East in the “Best Countries for 2023” index issued by the US News & World Report network, which measures the performance of 87 countries, according to the characteristics and trends that contribute to advancing… Trade, investment and direct impact on their national economies. The report was prepared based on a study and survey that included more than 17,000 people from all over the world carried out by the BAV Group, in cooperation with the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. The UAE achieved 76.8 points on the general index, outperforming China, South Korea, Austria, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Qatar, Greece, and others.


In the sub-rankings, the UAE topped the world’s countries in future growth, which depends on a set of factors, including the extent of its readiness to face the challenges posed by the global economy, and to achieve success, countries need flexibility and economic momentum. The UAE ranked ninth in terms of cultural influence, which is the component that measures this influence of the state and its preservation of its heritage and modernity.

It also ranked tenth in influence, which depends on the elements of military power, international alliances, economic and political influence, and the strength of the state’s political leadership. In the resilience classification, the UAE ranked 15th, which measures the country’s ability to adapt and respond to crises and changes. It also came in 17th place in the entrepreneurship standard, which measures countries’ performance in terms of ease of access to capital, advanced infrastructure, and transparency of practices. Business, skilled workforce, innovation, pioneering spirit, technical expertise and advanced legal frameworks. It came in twenty-sixth place in quality of life, which measures several elements including the quality of the labor market and the availability of jobs, political and economic stability, narrowing the gap between incomes, well-being, and the development of the educational and health system.

Diversification and expansion of the economy

The report said that after the discovery of oil in the Emirates in the 1960s, its economy shifted from relying on fishing and the pearl industry to relying on industry, tourism, petroleum industries, and exports, witnessing rapid growth. The UAE has become competitive in its economic strength, in terms of its per capita GDP, with European countries with advanced economies, in addition to being considered one of the most competitive Arab countries, according to the World Economic Forum.

The country is famous for its two largest cities, Dubai and Abu Dhabi, which attract millions of tourists every year, while Dubai, the region’s regional business hub, is known for its elegant skyscrapers and is also home to the largest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa. Switzerland topped the list of the best countries this year, followed by Canada in second place, then Sweden in third place, Australia in fourth place, and the United States in fifth place.

Ranking of the best countries in the world for the year 2023
United State
New Zealand
United kingdom

About salah

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