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The UAE participates in the Budapest Demographic Summit

The UAE participated in the Budapest Demographic Summit, which was held in the Hungarian capital, Budapest, during the period from September 14 to 16, under the slogan “The Family is the Key to Safety.”




The fifth edition of the summit was opened by Her Excellency Katalin Novak, President of Hungary, in the presence of a number of heads of state and government and global thought leaders and specialists in family affairs.





The UAE delegation to the summit was headed by His Excellency Dr. Maitha bint Salem Al Shamsi, Minister of State, in the presence of His Excellency Saud Al Shamsi, UAE Ambassador to Hungary.





Her Excellency participated in the ministerial seminar, which was moderated by His Excellency Jack Janosz, Hungarian Minister of Culture, in the presence of a number of ministers from countries on four continents, all of whom presented their countries’ achievements in the field of supporting the family and enhancing its status and role in building society.





In her intervention at the summit, Her Excellency Dr. Maitha Al Shamsi touched on the attention that the country’s wise leadership gives to the family and the unlimited support of Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, “Mother of the Emirates,” President of the General Women’s Union, President of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, and Supreme Chairwoman of the Family Development Foundation, by reviewing the strategies, programs, and activities that have worked. To enhance the status of the family in building society, and the integration of efforts provided by all relevant institutions, whether at the level of government institutions, civil society institutions, or private sector institutions, and their continuous follow-up to make the family safe and stable, which would enhance its role in society.

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