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Swiss report: Dubai shopping centers are endless fun

September 24


A Swiss report confirmed that shopping centers in Dubai provide their visitors with the best times and experiences of entertainment, entertainment, and enjoyment without limits and in accordance with the highest international standards, while at the same time providing the opportunity for shops and commercial companies to profit and commercial prosperity. The Place Brand Observer, a Swiss website specializing in evaluating the brands of countries and cities, stated that shopping centers in the Emirates, especially in Dubai, excel, along with shopping centers in some Spanish and Australian cities, over the rest of their peers in the world, in combining the goal of profit. Commercial, which is the main goal of any shopping center in the world, and to enhance the bond between family members.


By providing entertainment activities and designated areas for children to play, which brings family members together to spend enjoyable times inside the shopping center.


The magazine published a report on shopping centers and the opportunity they have after the world recovers from the “Covid-19” pandemic in combining commercial profit and enhancing community participation, by allocating enjoyable activities for family members, which leads to increasing the time they spend in each other’s company.

The report explained that shopping centers in the Emirates, specifically in Dubai, succeeded in doing this before the outbreak of the pandemic, and are still performing well in terms of combining profit making and assuming a social role.

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