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“Dubai Roads” automates the permits for supplementary directional signs

September 24

The Roads and Transport Authority in Dubai announced the development and automation of supplementary directional signage permits, making them available to the concerned authorities on the authority’s website www.rta.ae.

The development of the Authority’s procedures and services comes within the Authority’s digital transformation processes, in order to provide easy and smart services at the disposal of customers wherever they are and at any time.

Those requesting the service can access the Authority’s website and submit a request to issue a permit to install supplementary directional signs through the system for issuing outdoor advertising permits in the Emirate of Dubai, which has become integrated with all relevant systems such as the financial system, the electronic mapping system, in addition to the company licensing systems of the Chamber. Dubai Trade.

The authority said that it grants permits according to which the installation of the supplementary signboard is permitted in the locations specified therein, and to concerned authorities such as health and emergency facilities, transportation facilities, and public and major tourist destinations that meet the required conditions, in accordance with Dubai Government Executive Council Resolution No. (23) of 2013 and No. (3) of 2021. Concerning the organization of supplementary information signs on roads in Dubai.

Accordingly, the supplementary directional sign will be designed, installed, maintained and removed, in accordance with the conditions, standards and legal and technical specifications specified in the Executive Council decision and the Traffic Control Means Manual prepared by the Authority.

The Authority stressed that the system increases work efficiency, reduces dependence on papers, and facilitates procedures for all customers, which reinforces the Authority’s diligent keenness to raise the level of services provided, and apply the best international practices to provide the best to customers, thus increasing the satisfaction rate, and achieving competitiveness in making people happy, which is one of the goals. The Authority’s strategy.

The Authority said that the system allows the automation of permit services for customers and the possibility of submitting applications and downloading all required documents through the website without the need for paper copies, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and without the need to visit the Authority’s service provision centers.

The permit is issued electronically after completing the automated payment process for supplementary plate permits. The system also sends notifications to customers via mobile phone messages and e-mail to keep them informed of the status of the application and the updates that have occurred to it. This new service also allows the possibility of renewing or canceling the permit or inquiring about the status of the application. Declaration.

It is worth noting that the design, manufacture, installation, maintenance and removal of the supplementary signboard must be carried out by the contractor approved or appointed by the Authority to carry out these works, who shall submit the executive plans for the installation of the supplementary signboard, after conducting detailed field studies of the sites where it will be installed.

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