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“Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Charity” opens a school in Pakistan

September 7

The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Charitable and Humanitarian Establishment, with funding and cooperation from the Dar Al Ber Society, opened a school bearing the name “Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Primary and Middle School”, in the village of Sarai in Kashmir, Pakistan, at a total cost of 1.5 million dirhams, based on the keenness to His Highness extended his generous hands to various categories of needy students, so that they could find suitable facilities in order to complete their studies in a safe and secure environment.

Counselor Ibrahim Bu Melha, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation, stressed the importance of the royal directives from His Highness, the patron of the Foundation, to make efforts to encourage and move the educational process inside or outside the country, in a number of friendly and brotherly countries, through Providing material and moral support for this vital sector, which is represented in building schools and providing school tools and equipment for students.

Bu Melha explained that one of the fruits of these generous directives was the Foundation’s intention to implement school construction projects in a number of countries that need such basic facilities, and in which it is difficult for students to continue their daily studies there, due to the lack of schools close to their residence, which forces them to endure hardship. The struggle to join the education profession, and walking long distances to reach school seats, so the construction of schools in remote cities and villages is considered a major achievement in the Foundation’s journey in supporting the educational process around the world.

Counselor Bu Melha pointed out that the school was built in the place of an old and dilapidated school, located in the Hatiya Bala area, near the city of Muzaffarabad, which has a population of 11,880 people in the Kashmir region, and was built in an area of 2,528 square meters. It is a building that includes a number of school facilities, containing… It has 9 classrooms, in addition to 2 offices, which are the administration offices and teachers’ offices. The school also contains a computer laboratory, and 12 bathrooms for the administrative and educational staff and students. It contains an outdoor courtyard, which contains playgrounds for students’ sports activities, in addition to a slaughterhouse for processing Meals for students during school hours. It is a mixed school for boys and girls, with 400 male and female students.


For his part, Dr. Muhammad Suhail Al Muhairi, CEO and Managing Director of Dar Al Ber Society, said the importance of the charitable educational development project in Pakistan, while Dar Al Ber’s contribution to the vital project stems from its firm belief in the value of science and the role of education in development and sustainability, and promoting them in countries and regions. the poor and needy, and in helping people, everywhere, to help themselves.

Dr. Mohammed Al Muhairi stressed that this achievement represents a good result of cooperation, coordination and state of integration between “Dar Al Ber” and the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Charitable Foundation, and the culmination of the strategic partnership between the two sides, extending over the past years, praising the role of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation in the field. Humanitarian aid, and its great and accumulated efforts in qualitative, sustainable and thoughtful charitable and development work, over the years of its work in providing humanitarian support in brotherly and friendly countries, supporting them and extending a helping hand to them as a result of crises and natural disasters.

The opening ceremony was held under the supervision of the Pakistani Ministry of Education and was attended by a group of officials who confirmed that this project proves the depth of the relationship and brotherhood between the Emirati and Pakistani peoples. The Foundation had previously implemented a number of educational projects in Pakistan, numbering 3 projects, in addition to providing a number of schools in Pakistan with tools. And school equipment.

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