Home / News / UAE / “Human Resources and Emiratisation” praises the results of compliance with the “noon work ban” decision

“Human Resources and Emiratisation” praises the results of compliance with the “noon work ban” decision

Dubai on August 29

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation praised the commitment of private sector establishments to working hours and the procedures stipulated in the decision to ban work at noon, which prohibits the employment of workers from 12:30 until 3 pm during the period from June 15 to September 15 of each year.
The Ministry praised the large volume of cooperation from all concerned partners at the federal and local levels in the success of implementing this decision, explaining that it organized more than 67 thousand inspection visits, in addition to more than 28 thousand guidance visits to the facilities from June 15 to August 17.
It said that it detected only 59 establishments violating the decision, which employed a total of 130 workers only during the ban period, and legal measures have been taken against them.
For his part, His Excellency Mohsen Al-Nasi, Assistant Undersecretary for Inspection Affairs at the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, said: “The noon work ban is part of a series of qualitative measures taken by the Ministry to protect workers’ rights and provide all conditions and requirements for occupational safety and health. These inspection and awareness visits come within the framework of We were keen to ensure that the establishments adhere to the implementation of decisions and regulations aimed at providing the best human and social standards that support the leadership of the UAE labor market and enhance its competitiveness and flexibility.”
He added: “The rates of high compliance with the decision banning work at noon reflects a well-established culture in the UAE labor market based on the protection of workers’ rights, and confirms the keenness of these establishments to protect their human resources by providing safety and security conditions, and we look forward to continuing this cooperation and ensuring the commitment of all establishments.” During the coming period, in order to achieve the common goals of enhancing the competitiveness of the labor market, and ensuring business continuity by preserving these establishments their human resources, which are their most important resources.
The decision to ban work at noon is one of the humanitarian policies of the UAE, and it has been applied for the 19th year in a row, and it includes a wide range of obligations and standards that the employer must adhere to during the ban period, the most important of which is providing workers with protective umbrellas from the sun’s rays during the period of stopping work at the time of the ban. At noon, securing appropriate cooling tools in resting places such as fans, in addition to providing the necessary quantities of water, and other irrigation materials and salts authorized to be used in the country, and providing possible tools and amenities.
The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation called on all establishments to fully comply with the decision banning work at noon, renewing its commitment to educate workers and owners of establishments about the ban decision, through orientation tours or other available means, and called on the public, community members and affected workers to report any violation through the call center at 600590000 or Ministry application and website.

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