Home / News / UAE / 46% of Abu Dhabi hotel guests go to the “5-star” category 63% room occupancy rate

46% of Abu Dhabi hotel guests go to the “5-star” category 63% room occupancy rate

September 4

The 5-star hotels in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi accounted for the largest number of hotel establishment guests, with a total of 188,000 guests during the month of June 2023, or 46.3% of the total number of guests in these hotels, which amounted to 406,000 guests, followed by the 4-star category, with a total of 124,000 guests, with a percentage of 46.3% of the total number of guests in these hotels, which amounted to 406,000 guests. 30.5%, and 3 stars and below, with a total of 60 thousand guests, representing 14.7% of the total, while hotel apartment guests reached 35,000 guests, representing 8.6%, which reflects that this category attracts a wide segment of guests compared to other categories.

According to data from the Statistics Center in Abu Dhabi, the Abu Dhabi region had the largest number of inmates for the month of June, with 367,000 inmates, followed by the Al Ain region with a total of 30,000 inmates, and the Al Dhafra region with 9,000 inmates.

Guests from the Emirates topped the list of hotel establishment guests, by nationality, with a total of 94,000 guests in June, followed by guests from Asian countries, excluding Arab countries, with 126,000 guests, then guests from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries 32,000 guests, and other Arab countries 52,000 guests. Europe has 52 thousand inmates, America has 16 thousand inmates, and Africa, excluding Arab countries, has 7 thousand inmates.


Number of nights

The number of nights of stay spent by guests in the emirate’s hotels during the month of June reached: 167,000 nights from the UAE, 78,000 nights from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, 126,000 nights from other Arab countries, 279,000 nights from Asian countries excluding Arab countries, and 197,000 nights from Europe. , America 54 thousand nights, Africa excluding Arab countries 17 thousand nights.

The number of guests in Abu Dhabi hotels for the same month reached 406 thousand guests, the number of nights they spent was 968 thousand nights, the average length of stay in the emirate’s hotels was 2.4 nights, and the hotel room occupancy rate was 63%, while the average revenue of these rooms reached 339 dirhams, and the average revenue of available hotel rooms was 214. A dirham.

The data revealed that the number of hotels in the emirate reached 174 hotels, including 34,300 hotel rooms and apartments. The hotel facilities are distributed into 129 hotels, containing 28,734 rooms, and 45 hotel apartment buildings, containing 5,566 apartments.

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