Home / News / UAE / 5 requirements for housing support within the “My Family” platform, without any fees or documents required for application

5 requirements for housing support within the “My Family” platform, without any fees or documents required for application

September 2

The Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security has set five requirements and standards to apply for the housing support service, within the new “My Family” services platform, which the authority launched last July, to support citizens about to get married in cooperation with the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority and the Digital Government.

The Authority explained, according to the “My Family” platform, that the requirements and standards are: “The applicant must be a citizen of the UAE, and only the husband can apply for this service, and the customer must hold a family booklet and the wife must be added to the family booklet, and the income must be included.” Monthly (salary, income from work, or any other financial return) where the monthly income must not exceed 100 thousand dirhams, and the customer must not have provided or received housing support from any government agency in the UAE.

The Authority confirmed that, in order to obtain the housing support service within the services platform, the husband must choose the housing assistance “buying a new house or building a new house,” in addition to entering the monthly income including “salary, income from work, and other financial returns,” noting that it is Keep all information related to applicants in a secure confidentiality and no one can access it except specialists and within the powers granted to them.

She added that there are no fees or documents required to apply for the housing support service within the “My Family” package, as the package includes various proactive, automatic and integrative services, starting with the marriage contract, through the service of separating the spouses from the family book, creating a new family book for them, and the arrival of the newborn until reaching puberty. The child is studying and reserving a seat, all of this proactively, that is, before the service is requested.

The number of services included in the current phase of the “My Family” package is 16 services provided to UAE citizens without requesting them or filling out applications to obtain them, and without uploading any documents, through electronic connectivity with 33 federal, local, and private government agencies. The “My Family” platform is » As an embodiment of a new generation of proactive government services, where citizens obtain these services proactively through the platform via the website Usrati.gov.ae as soon as they are due and before requesting them, which contributes to improving the quality of life of citizens, saves them time and effort, and raises the level of Their happiness and achieves their aspirations and dreams.

The number of services provided within the “My Family” package is scheduled to increase with the completion of its stages to 79 services that will be automatically provided to citizens without requesting them or submitting documents as soon as their due date arrives, through electronic connectivity with 185 government and private agencies in all the emirates of the country.

The citizen customer’s journey in the current phase of the “My Family” package includes a set of proactive services that reflect the true concept of quality of life and are provided proactively without requesting them. These services include documenting the marriage contract, issuing or updating the electronic family book, marriage grant, salary, land and property information, Housing support, pregnancy, medical appointments, and vaccination appointments.

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