Home / News / UAE / National Bonds: 82% of state employees welcome employers’ investment in end-of-service benefits

National Bonds: 82% of state employees welcome employers’ investment in end-of-service benefits

Dubai on August 23 /

National Bonds, the savings and investment company in the UAE, announced that 82% of employees in the UAE would welcome an employer’s investment in their end-of-service benefits.

This result reflects the importance of what National Bonds is doing and its strategic objectives to provide savings and investment solutions for various segments of the country’s population. In line with the increased demand for savings products, and with the aim of helping citizens and residents in the UAE to start saving and planning for retirement, National Bonds launched the “Golden Retirement Plan”. .

The “Golden Retirement Plan” is the first initiative of its kind in the country, which aims to enhance the value of end-of-service benefits for government and private sector employees, in addition to spreading and promoting a culture of saving. The plan enables individuals to invest in their own future and support companies’ employee retention strategies.

It should be noted that many companies have joined the golden retirement plan in the country, which confirms the increasing interest of employers in protecting the end of service benefits of their employees, and the desire of employees for services that enhance their end of service benefits.

These results come based on the outputs of the twelfth edition of the National Bonds Savings Index, which is an annual survey that monitors the savings behavior of individuals in the UAE. for them.

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