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10 foods rich in vitamins as an alternative to nutritional supplements

September 29


The human body needs a group of vitamins on a daily basis, which are available in healthy foods, which makes them natural alternatives to supplements. A number of individuals asked about the most important of these foods, which are considered a healthy alternative to nutritional supplements, which some may resort to to compensate for the deficiency in one of them. Vitamins or minerals.








According to nutrition experts, there are 10 types of healthy food that eliminate the need for the individual to take nutritional supplements, to meet the body’s needs for vitamins and minerals, so that it can perform its functions to the fullest.








Here are 10 types of these foods:





Fatty fish is considered an alternative to eating omega-3, including salmon, tuna, and sardines. There are also animal sources of omega-3, such as dairy and meat.


Yogurt is an alternative to probiotic supplements, as “probiotics” contribute to enhancing the health of the stomach, intestines, and digestive system in general, and preventing intestinal bacteria.


Leafy vegetables, such as legumes, are an alternative to vitamin B, as they help maintain physical activity and strength and enhance brain health.


Sweet potatoes are an alternative to vitamin A supplements. The importance of this vitamin lies in promoting the growth of white blood cells that protect the body from infections, as well as maintaining the health of the eyes and bones.


Bananas are an alternative to vitamin B6 supplements, as they contribute to strengthening the immune system, regulating blood pressure, preventing the formation of stones, and improving the functions of enzymes and the nervous system.


Cowpeas are an alternative to folic acid supplements, as they contain 89% of the daily value of vitamin B9, which is an important nutrient for brain health and protecting the fetus from malformations.


Oysters are an alternative to iron supplements. They are one of the healthiest seafood rich in iron, and contain high amounts of vitamin B12. They are also a great source of zinc.


Oranges are an alternative to vitamin C supplements, as they contain other nutrients important for health, such as potassium and vitamin B1, which is responsible for the production of collagen for healthy skin, and good absorption of iron.


Sun-dried tomatoes are an alternative to potassium supplements to retain fluids in the body, maintain a balance of electrical signals, and improve heart function.


Apples replace all the supplements that contain vitamins in general, as they are a complete pharmacy of unique elements and compounds, including all types of vitamin B, vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as calcium and iron. Phosphorus, sodium, potassium, zinc and fiber.

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